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Hey, it's all good. IM me anytime and if you want my messengers and e-mail we can chat. I only help those who deserve it and you are one of the good girls in the world so I feel as if I should help you. But one problem, this forum isn't what it used to be. Bascially for some reason we cannot get back on topic and it is just us same guys here (which ain't bad but you know what I mean). I did create a new post which is receiveing alot of attention much like the old 20, single, virgin post. It is called WHAT WOMEN WANT and it actually has some intelligent answers and theories there so check it out.

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Sense u guys r really great people and i know u can answer one lil thing for me although outlaw has answered it twice.K with girls it has improved well with these pills sense i actually talked with the new waitress exchanged names,exchanged smiles,and made lots of eye contact sometimes.Good for me cause now im actually looking at them instead of looking at the floor feeling all down from depression ya like coming from u padreamer,john,or any regular to these thread u got any ideas on how i can get to know her better?Some great ideas to start more conversation and maybe just to get to know her as a friend at least or if things go good maybe ask her out or something cause she really seems like a very nice girl shes also pretty in my eyes too but that doesnt matter so much.So what do u guys think?And thanx for being there guys

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Get her phone number next time you go there. Just talk to her for a little bit and then tell her that you want to get to know her more. Then ask for the phone number. I did that a month ago with this one girl and it worked. So good luck. Let us know the results.

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Iono mang ive only worked with her for the last like 3 days the only reason im wanting to try to know her as fast as i could is because once my friend gets to her she will proly like him because he has that high charisma.PLus isnt that a lil too fast to already ask for her phone number she works tonight so ill try to get some conversation going and make more eye contact ill try to say how things r going to see how much these pills have made me improve with girls because i have a more positive outlook on things now.

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Woah! BRAKES! Hold on there hun! You definitely don't want to make any moves too fast. While some girls like a fast mover, MANY girls see it as an attempt to get in their pants. I would highly suggest that you give her some time to acclamate to working with you, become a good friend to her and you'll REALLY get to know her! Just be sociable and nice, and let her know that you're a nice guy! That way, you won't be moving too fast, but you'll have the opportunity to see what she is really like after she gets settled in. Get my drift? I mean, for all you know, she could end up being a really mean person once she's comfortable in a setting.

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Nah thats what i was thinking along ur lines padreamer.I just wanted to know some ways to start conversation not to get to know her extremely fast but to just talk with her.So that like whenever i come in i can say "hi" and maybe jk around with her a lil i was definitely not looking towards that but i was prolly confused on how to explain these things.Maybe its because with my friend they like him right away it sux but o well

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Unless you consider telling her bluntly "I want to be friends with you" an option, which might not be a good idea considering your age (usually only works in kindergarten the only way to let her know you want to be her friend is actually to pay attention to her and be interested in her person.


I'm pretty bad at talking to people usually due to my shyness and lack of experience but I guess you could ask her things like:


- Simply asking her how she's doing (shows her you've got at least minimal interest in her).


- If there's music playing in the background, lash out a comment about it then work towards asking her what kind of music she likes (don't take "everything" as an answer, worse answer you could get).


- Ask her why is she doing this job. Is she in need of money for a special project ? Which one ? Does she enjoy this job ?


- What she's doing after work (try to spot an eventual hobby so you can keep the conversation flowing).


- Ask if she's into sports and if so, why (staying fit, competitive side).


- If she seems bored/tired/annoyed because of her job, ask her if she plans on taking some vacations sometime. Depending on her answer, ask her where she's traveled before and/or why she plans on going there.


Hope this gives you a few ideas. Most "creative" smalltalk topics I could come up with at this time of the night ( 4am ).

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I agree with Bitterness! Just be yourself, help her get used to the new work environment, be friendly and eventually she'll get cofortable around you! Then just naturally work your way from there. The worst thing you can do is try to force conversation. If something isn't already on your mind, don't fish for something to say. It will make you both feel awkward. Even just smiling at her and asking her how things are going and how she's adjusting is a great conversation starter. Maybe ask her where she worked before or why she decided to take this job. Just some basic "getting to know you" stuff! It takes time, but the conversation will become easier. And EVERYONE likes to know that someone is interested in letting them talk about themselves! LOL! I mean, who doesn't jump at the opportunity to spill their life story? Good luck!

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Ya thanx for the great tips and advice u guys i luv how u guys are always there to help me ad i hope i can help u guys sometime.I would of tried some of that today at work because i thought she worked thrusday but she didnt hopefully shes working tomorrow

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Hey sorry for not replying SHinobi but I'm not all that good at giving advice but rather asking questions and researching a topic. Plus we already chatted on MSN about it so it's cool right? Hope everything works out for ya, you are better off than me right now.


This is picture about a year ago. Enjoy or puke I don't care really.

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Ya thanx for the great tips and advice u guys i luv how u guys are always there to help me ad i hope i can help u guys sometime.I would of tried some of that today at work because i thought she worked thrusday but she didnt hopefully shes working tomorrow


That's what we're here for. And good luck with the girl.

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