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best friend? what do i do?

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ok here's the deal, ive been going to school with this girl ever since yr 7 and we are in yr 12 now, but i guess you could say i didnt know her at all until about 8 months ago because she has a twin sister and i couldnt even tell them apart until about 8 months ago.

straight away we started to become really good friends and pretty quickly i started having feeling for her. we finally hooked up for the first time on new years eve, was pretty cool but any way for about a month we were really close and yea that kinda stuff but then she tells me that we should just be friends, we never were bf/gf by the way. so at the time i was like yea ok whatever but since then i just havnt been able to get over her and the problem is that she really likes one of my best friends, not only that but they were dating for about 2 weeks and he cheated on her more than 4 times and she got really hurt. they broke up but now she wants to get back with him but i dont want to see her get hurt.


should i tell her how i feel? i think i should but the only problem is that it will probably screw up a lot of friendships

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... Interesting


In your case it is just going to get worse if you don't let her know. If this guys is just going to keep hurting her it's unfair. If you don't want other people to know... ask her over for a friendship thing... or maybe just see a movie so you guys are in a neutral location and tell her. If you really like her and people can see that they SHOULD understand... and friendships won't be ruined.

If you feel you should tell her do it.. I think you should to


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