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Life......i'm soo new at this

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Hmm, you haven't given me enough details for me to be able to tell anything for sure, but usually when a boy teases a girl it's because he has a crush on her. However, if he's downright mean to her than there's a good chance that he really isn't interested.


P.S: Try not to use shorthand for your next posts, it may be deleted as it makes it harder to read.

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Hi Courtney ,


I have a feeling you are between 12-15 (just a guess) b/c I was that age once lol . Well it really depends on how he acts. If you are kinda friends and he jokes kidding around, he could like you. But if he is really mean saying hurtful things I highly doubt it. Boys that age are very immature and can be really mean. I can't really awnser if he likes you nor anybody else. I say use your own judment, and try to find someone nice, who isn't mean at all.

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well...we all have mood swings, but I'm not sure he likes you. I tihnk he is just a regualr friend...


Some times I tell girls (that are my friends) good things, like if they are going out or something, I tell them they look great, and maybey they look sexy. Or some times I tell them they are dumb when they make a bad move, or they are being too b!tchy, but I never cross the line. I don't put them down or anything, I'm just letting them know, so it depends how this guy is treating you.


Ig he is abusive, like when he is mad, does her curls up a fist? or does he really hirt your feelings by making fun of you? like telling you your fat, or making fun of you really badly.


I make fun of my friends a bit, but I always make sure they laught with me

It all depends how he treats you, do you care to elaborate more?

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