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well i am not sure where to start so here goes. There is this girl i have been talking to for about 5 months now and we have become very close. we talk for hours on a daily basis and have become a big part of each other lives. We have been planning to meet at this concert in about a month from now... we where going to make a couple days out of it but her best friend is coming to which i have no problems with at all except her dad wont let her stay the 3 nights we planned for, and now he wants the 2 of them to stay at his friends house near the concert for only one night =(. i was really looking forward to spending asmuch time with her as i could but it seems to be slipping away by the minute =(. so now i am hear not sure what to do....her friend is very nice i talk to her alot but her dad is very protective and well is basically killing our plans.......which sucks alot because we where really looking forward to time well spent....so basically anyone have any ideas? i am wide open here

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I know exactly how you feel. When I went to meet my boyfriend for the first time, I was actually supposed to be staying there long-term. But things didn't work out the way I'd hoped, and after only three weeks I had to leave. That was EXTREMELY hard. The advantage that you have and I didn't have is that you KNOW how much time you'll have with her. The biggest thing that you can do is make it as fun and enjoyable as possible. Don't express any feelings of disappointment about the way things worked out. Just focus on what time you do have with her. Because I guarantee you, it will be a very precious day and you'll want to have lots of pleasant memories!

Good luck.

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