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Hi everyone!

I am new to this site...but when i found it i knew it was right for me...

This year began just as freshman had...a few friends and no close guy friends...however, now i have mostly guy friends and a few girls who im close with....THis year has been very stressful and i started to cut....i know it sounds stupid but i didnt know how else to relieve the emotinoal stress without telling my boyfriend and my friends that my home life and my life with my friends was two different worlds. i can act completely different when i am with my friends but when i am with my parents i am unhappy and irritated. My mom has taken me to see therapists but that didnt really help mostly because i was not willing to open up to them...I always get yelled at for coming home a minute late and for always being on the computer...its hard to explain that its the freaking SUMMER and im supposed to stay out late...the only think i cant really stop is the cutting...my best friend started to cut after she saw that i was doing it and i stopped because it made me really angry how she was trying to copy me even thought i didnt think she needed too...

Recently, one of my best friends noticed that i wore a head band as a braclet and asked why...i said it was because i wanted to have something to put my hair up but she started to tell me how shes not stupid and she pulled it off and started to cry...i am never going to do it again because when i saw her cry it was the most painful thing i have ever seen....worse than seeing your own bloos drip down your arm....

if you dont have anything to help you stop cuttingl; at least do it for those who will care...you can talk to me i will be here for you because i know how hard it is to balance: an unbelievanly over achieving family, friends who alwyas want to see me, and a boyfriend who is very clingy, but in a good way....

I dont know how long i will last before cutting again but for what its worth it was worth all the while....

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