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ok basically can someone explain homophobia to me i just dont get it? why? if they disagree with the lifestyle why do they make it their business. i have a hatred for homophobes which i know is no better then being one myself but my good friend was murdered because he was gay so homophobia is a sensitive subject for me.

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some people have a lot of anger inside them. it's usually because they have issues inside themself.

I think othat often homophobes are in denial or have frustrations about their own sexuality. often people who are homophobics are themselves gay, but dont want to be.

Some are probably just ignorant.


It's sad that these people are like this.





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I had a cousin, that was also murdered , not sure if him being gay had anything to do with it, because it was a mugging, but i am certain it was a factor.


Homophobia is similar to racism, i have heard all the argument, that its against the Bible, or that its not natural etc, etc. why do they care what they are doing? its not with them, they aren't hurting anyone, what threat do they pose? none. If they believe that god is against it, well then God will deal with them later.


We are all people, and we all have a right to be happy and love who we want, I prefer women, someone else may prefer a same sex, so what?


Homo-phobics are people that have issues themselves, they may be narrow minded and uneducated, or brought up believing these things from their family, usually like with racism, its all about them trying to feel superior.

basic cave man brained mentality "Your not like me, I'm right your wrong, your the enemy)

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yes i posted this topic on a different site similar to enotalone and the person said to move to san franscisco if i want to be accepted. it was in no way a negative comment but it just goes to show how uneducated most people are. i live like 5 minutes away from san francisco and it makes no difference there are just as many homophobes here as any where else.i really think these people who are so biggoted and oppinionated should just mind thier own business. i just dont get it how can you dislike someone you dont know?


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hmmmmmmmmmmm, i wouldnt think nothing of it. people should just shut the "F" up before they get killed by a gang of gay people.

I've always wondered if any of the straight people are killed by a bunch hetero phobes, LOL. But seriously, It's their choice, if someone doesn't like it that's their problem, and as was said, its normally because they are either ignorant or confused.

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homophobia is a sick trend sweeping america. in comes the gangsta/hip hop rap culture and the idea that being a pimp is cool. i appreciate the art in the music but not the stereotypes they throw around.in the grunge era for example nirvana and other bands encouraged openmindedness( might not be a real word)so i thing new music rock and rap that has certain slurs in it contributes to the homophobia. does anyone agree. the way i see it it is like smoking they are getting kids hooked on the idea that being gay is wrong


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  • 1 month later...

okay, so i have done alot of research on this in the past... and i found that most ppl who are homophobic, use religion to justify their beliefs. this in my opinion is bull

! I agree with most of what the other ppl said, its usally because they have insecurties about themselves.... no big supprise. and as far as why they care about what other ppl do, that comes from the ratical right kind of ppl. the christians that live by the bible and nothing else (one again insecurity) not that that is wrong, but anyone that really payed attention to the bible, and really the whole christian religion, gets that that it all focuses on the individual. the 10 comandments. the 7 deadly sins. they are all about the individual.


so im ranting, but basicaly, they are just insecure idiots!!!


lol that was all over the map... i hope it makes sense.... its kinda late

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Well,actually when i saw this topic,i thought i would post because i used to be homophobic.I used to hate gay/bi/lesbian people.I thought they were disgusting.This sick that i had was just plain immature.Then.when i grew up,i discovered that gay people are no different,except that they like the same sex.Now,seeing as how i am confused about my sexuality,i have no problem with gays.Homophobes are immature and wrong.They are basing thier decision on what others have said.In my opinion,homophobes are blind to the real world.



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