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a little help not sure what to do its about sex

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ok i have been dating this girl for 3 months now she is 16 and im about a monthe older well we never have done anything she has always said she is not wating to do anything like have sex or be fingerd by joking around with friends and she says stuff like "none for you" or "im not like that" but thats with friends when where along we make out and get really heated we dry hump while making out and she will suck on my neck and i do the same and not to long ago online she said there was someting bothering her so i asked what and (little note i dated a girl name cheyenne and we did a lot of stuff togther like fingering hand jobs so on) she said "why did you do stuff with chey but you wont with me" so i told her i thought she dident want to she said she did so that weekend when we where alone at a friends house we where making out agin and i was felling around on her body and i coresed her breast and then moved to her vagina outside of the pants and began to rub then went down the pants so i moved her hand towards me pants and she went down them and was playing with me at the same time then she asked me "do you want to go any further" at the time i was happy just doing this with her so i answered what do you mean she did not answer and we continued until we both cam and then we talked afterwards like nothing happened and we talked about what happened online later so i thought i would ask her what she meant by do you want to go any further and she said what do you mean i said i did not know she said nevermind and would not answer do you tihnk she meant sex i never really asked her what her opinon was on the subject she was on the pill and now is on the shot and i use condems o yeah she is really tight to so im worried about that becuse im not long but thick in the meat department to brag i jsut dont want to hurt her i could only fit on finger in and that gave her little discomfert but she told me it was worth it what did she mean by want to go further could she of wanted sex god i dont know it would be cool if she did becuse i love her im sorry this is so long really sorry just tried to get whole storry well if you can help plz do


o yeah where gonna be alone this weekend should i ask her if she want to go further when where in the middle of whatever happeneds i mean if we get as passionet as we where if there are any ladies with insight that would help thanks

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You see the M key? look 2 keys to the right of it. ---> .


besides that. guys generally, we kinda think theres not alot about sex. theres the sorta foreplay lumped into 1, then theres sex. So when yall are 'foreplaying' in your mind, she says she wants more, you think sex. Perhaps she was meaning oral sex? since yall where masterbating each others, theres not alot of more in terms of sexual levels. Unless she might be into the cool kinky stuff, then she might mean oral.


But the best advice I can offer. Just ask her. Ya'll have already made some sexuall contact, ya'll should talk about what she meant. Also talk about marriage and kids cause if you screw it up (no pun intended) you have to have a plan. and don't abort. adoption if anything.

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