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Just broke 3 years NC. Feelsgoodman

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I dated this girl for about 3 years and we had a terribly messy break 3 years ago. We were on-off for about the last year of the relationship. Finally ended in a big drunken fight and didn't speak again for almost 3 years until today.


I'm currently hurting really bad from a breakup 3 weeks ago. So for some reason I was just on facebook and decided I would message this ex-ex and break 3 years of NC.


Went very good. She was very happy to hear from me. She said a bunch of nice things and gave some apologies for the stuff back in the day. I told her it was nice talking to her and I had to go. She told me to be in touch soon. I'm almost surprised how receptive she was. Seems like she missed me more than I ever thought. I have zero desire of ever getting back together with her, but seemed like she would entertain the idea.


She lives 1200 miles away from me now and lives with her boyfriend, so out of respect for him I'm not going to contact her again. Was nice to say hi though.

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If you are okay with it all, then go ahead. It's been three years. I think that's enough time to have healed... and it is nice to get an ex back in your life, even if neither of you have any intentions of dating again. It's nice to know people who know you.

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Hmm...interesting...phone calls so soon seems too fast imo. Like you said, take it easy and don't make expectations.


I was contacted about a month ago after a 2 year NC, it was via e-mail (and I did respond back, no animosity). A buddy of mine suspects that it was cause she was 'using' me like SWEET_J thinks happened, getting over someone or perhaps lonely. Could be... either way I'm not going to make expectations or expect them to respond when I do.


Just be sure to guard your heart, if you feel susceptible.

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