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Cirucmcision is wrong

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Circumcision is non-consensual body modification, i.e. mutilation.*



If it's okay to mutilate someone against their will or without their

consent, then it must be okay to kill someone (how about removing

their heart?) If you think it's okay for you to murder people, then

you must admit that it's okay for others to murder you.


A far better philosophy is one of unalienable rights. All beings have

an unalienable right to life and freedom, and that includes freedom

from mutilation. Unalienable rights are not owed to you by anybody,

but they should not be violated. The philosophy of unalienable rights

is a closer representation of the truth than that of war or murder,

and perhaps as you enter into all truth, you will find your rights

truly unalienable.


If everyone refrains from violating the person and property of others,

the world will remain at peace.


The line must be drawn somewhere, and we hope the state is not too

oppressive in its restrictions. Lest we conclude there is no guiding

light and no philosophy, and that the state merely imposes itself on

others with no regard. In which case, we must conclude that it is

okay for us to do the same to the state and that the state is as wrong

as it claims us to be. Then we must either choose to suffer evils

while evils are sufferable, or engage the philosophy of "Give me

Liberty, or give me death" and go to war to free ourselves of

oppressive bondage.



*People under 18, and certainly those under 12, cannot consent to

circumcision and a whole host of other activities.



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Circumsion is a choice of the parents, its not forced!

It's for protection, like from bacteria or infection, its just a precaution.

Comparing it to murder is crazy!

You have your own thoughts on the situation, you made good points

but there are bigger issues/problems with rights. Its just a piece of skin.

I really dont see why you care so much, so maybe i dont know what im talking about?

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I never stated that mediacl reasons were the only one, but no matter what I argue and no matter what you or anyone else argues, some will always be for, some against it, and some won't give a crap either way. So ultimately this is a completely useless and pointless topic. You have your opinion and I have mine, I'm not saying your wrong, I'm not saying im right, an opinion is simply that, an opinion. For me, and the people for it, I'm right, for you and the people against it your right. This could go on forever, so let it go.

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ComputerGuy, I know that the argument is pretty pointless, because arguing will not likely change anyone's mind, but there is no need to stop talking about it. If this is unimportant to you, you are free to not respond to further or look at this thread. However, there is no need for anyone else to let it go if they just feel like talking about it.

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