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good idea? or not..im outgoing, he's shy

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ok, theres this guy friend of mine...who i like more as a friend, and i know from many sources, and practically himself, that he likes me in the same way....im not shy, at all...but he is mondo shy. i dont want to push him to go faster than he feels comfortable with, so i just let him do as he pleases, and every now and then do my own thing, and im constantly but descretly let him know that im still into him.


i cant get him out of my head, and i leave tonight to go to my fathers which is in a whole other part of the state for two weeks. i wont be able to talk to any of my friends because i cant use the phone long distance unless it is to my mother, and his computer is broken....


i have this thing where i always ask people "what are you thinking" because i just think its amazing at some of the answers... one example was the person responded "this one violinist in the renasance era" i just think its fascinating because people could be thinking of so many different things. well, last night, he said,"nothing that I would say." "why not? its just me" "exactly" "please?" "it would reveal too much."...it came out some how that if we were ever in the middle of the ocean alone, and today became yesterday, he would tell me. we live in the desert btw....of course, i already know what he means by it would reveal to much because he hasnt actually told me that he is into me, but i want him to tell me...i dont want to just say i know, i want to hear him tell me and not one of his friends.


so, i downloaded this one clip of waves and downloaded the same thing onto one cd about 80 times so i have about 2 hours of the sounds of waves, i took a load of printer paper and colored the ocean, which i will hang around my whole room, so it looks like we are out in the ocean, and i even made an itenorary that says we leave at 12:01 am off the coast of california, and sail until the time change were to us, this day, was technically yesterday. We live very close together, and our parents r good friends, so i was going to invite him over and surprise him with it.


i know that he wouldnt be freaked out by it, because he knows im outgoing and im loud and im not afraid to just be the happy and crazy me wherever and whenever. if he was afraid of that...then he wouldnt be so into me.


wat im asking...is if this is a good idea...or should i scratch it and just hang out with him tomorrow around the neighborhood and then give him a kiss on the cheeck before disapearing into my house so that i know he'll be thinking about me while im gone?


thanks for the help...i obviously need it!



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all i can say is.. wow.. what an imagination you have. Honestly, i think both ideas are cool. But, i'd probly pick the one where you're decorating your room like an ocean scene. If anything it'll show him you care and maybe he'll feel more comfortable enough to talk to you about how he feels. Good Luck.

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so, i downloaded this one clip of waves and downloaded the same thing onto one cd about 80 times so i have about 2 hours of the sounds of waves, i took a load of printer paper and colored the ocean, which i will hang around my whole room, so it looks like we are out in the ocean, and i even made an itenorary that says we leave at 12:01 am off the coast of california, and sail until the time change were to us, this day, was technically yesterday. We live very close together, and our parents r good friends, so i was going to invite him over and surprise him with it.


LOL that is so awesome. I would choose to do that one. Maybe you can kind of combine both plans. Like if the ocean thing doesn't work out then before he leaves give him that kiss in the cheek to make him think about you. If he really does like you then I think he would say so at some point.

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