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Going to make out for the first time soon...

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I was just wondering if theres any tips on how to really be a good kisser. A lot of people tell me that making out good just comes naturally, but im not to sure. I was just wondering if someone can give me tips on how to kiss/make out, if i should try something else on her or if i could do something to her to pleasure her more. Thanks a ton

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I dont know if this will help but here it is make sure your lips are soft I personally hate ruff lips and that your breath is fresh start of slow mouth closed and than slowly slip the tongue dont cover her mouth like a vacume cleaner that sucks just go with the rythm of her tongue and watch your teeth! hope that helps and just relax you will get the hang of it!


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well... my best advice would be...don't do any of the crap you've seen in porno... it never works in real life. just open your mouth slightly and kiss one lip (i find the bottom lip works best cuz there's more space and easier for me to reach) It's super sexy to start out slow. Don't feel like you have to kiss for 10 straight minutes either...quick kisses like that work best in the beginning and after a while (if you're adventurous and up for it) start to open your mouth wider and stick your tongue in to the other person's mouth...avoid the teeth and concentrate on making contact w/ the other person's tongue....again...don't sit ther for a minute w/ ur tongue in their mouth...be creative, but not sloppy...spit everywhere is not attractive.

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There's a certain rythm you have to get into when you're having longer kisses. With each partner it's different. When my partner now first kissed me our rythm was totally off, but it does prove that practice makes perfect because after a while of doing it we both adjusted and now our rythm is good. You dont want to be opening your mouth while he/she is closing thiers. Honestly, as much as you've probably heard it, you just have to go with the flow and do whatever feels right. I went into my first kiss completely unprepared and I came out fine. Improvise and try new stuff, you cant really go wrong with it. The best practice you can get is actually doing it.

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