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What does she want? she says one thing and then another...

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Hmm, how do you start a post like this?


Well, I'm a university student and I have some (read a lot) of troubles understanding a girl...

I know her a long time, she was my sisters friend in HS but we never got to know eachother well.

Then we met again in university some months ago and she's a great friend, we even traveled together once.


She also had several longer relationships and had a difficult youth while I'm the inverse on these subjects (little experience with relationships and a good time at HS)

But when the exams came close I started to feel more for her then friendship, and I couldn't hold it anymore and told her I liked her (not that I loved her, like.). Seeing in retrospect I could have handled that better in a gazillion ways but what's done is done.

She said she'd "think about it" (sounds weird to me, think about it?) and the final answer was:

I wouldn't want to lose what we have, and I don't want to break your heart, bad timing, blabla...I wans't really happy at that moment


But we keep on chatting on MSN during the exams and flirting when I see her (not excessive, or am I imagining it? I don't know, maybe it's wishful thinking)

She even said 'maybe after the exams' one time (Talk about making me wonder what she's really thinking!)

After the exams we go to the movies (nothing special happened) an amusement park the day after (planned a week ahead, her idea). Both just with the 2 of us.


Maybe it's me but I feel very little progress, and it seems like ages to me (even if we went to the park a week ago). I also don't know whather feelings are for me. If I asked it bluntly I would probably scare her off...


Hehe, it does good to write about it ^^

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Well it all sounds like good news from over here, and it sounds like your on your way to something special. Slow down my friend, your getting way too much thought into all of this. Let nature have a chance to do it's magic, and trust me it will. Remember when you ask direct questions, expect nothing less than a direct answer.

If I were in your shoes, I would continue to go places with her. Just be yourself and nothing more. After all if you can't be you, who can you be ?


Things are going well, you have her alone on outings, and she wants to be your friend. Remember, it could be allot worse than that my friend. Many a thriving romance started just like this one, and turned out just fine. So stop thinking about what is going to happen, just be a friend and let things happen. And as far as "wishful thinking" you should always have that. And remember if your drinking coffee and you feel your mind racing with weird thoughts of her, that's when you switch to decaf.


You'll be just fine





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This is my first impression of what this girl meant when she said she wanted to "think about it" and then said "Maybe" to dating you. I think this girl could possibly have some feelings for you yet gave you an honest answer when she said she didn't want to risk losing you as a friend and also meant it when she said that.


I also think that by going to the movies with you and then her planning to go to an amusement park with you was perhaps in a way, a way for her to test if she thought you guys could ever "be" a couple. And when I say "test", I mean she is considering if she really does feel the same spark as you do when your with her. Why else would she arrange it to be just the two of you? Because when I think of an amusement park, I don't think of a one-on-one outing--I think more of it as a group outing with a whole bunch of friends.


However, you say you feel like there has been very little progress since that park outing...so perhaps she wishes to just remain friends and that's what she's comfortable with. Then again you said it's been only a week so I'm leaning towards the idea that she doesn't want to rush into this too fast. Afterall you said she's more experienced with relationships than you.


So what to do now? I think your doing everything right so far. I wouldn't ask her, "Do you like me now?" though. Just try to plan some more dates with her like you guys were doing. And if you still feel like you guys are heading nowhere (maybe after 2 or 3 dates) ask her where she thinks your relationship is going and if she likes you in return.

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