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by Bootyqueen


Your dimented insults still ring in my ears

You have stripped me clean of my dignity

Taking the only strength I had left

Now nothing remains but the tears falling

My flesh feels hot, stinging from the tears

Didn't you steal enough from me already?

But you still lash me with your haughtiness

My pleas for your mercy...

To stop from destroying my delicate soul

This feeling is so unfamiliar,

Feeling so small and fragile

The moon glistens upon my swollen flesh as

I lay there, lashed and beaten

Clearly I have been defeated, surely you have won

I feel so naked, being this cold and lonely

I look around hopefully, but no consoling features in sight

I see those snarlng faces, once again whipping me with awful defeat

But I cannot feel this horrible pain anymore

I have become numb

Numb... from this hate

Clearly I have been defeated, surely you have won

But I cannot feel the pain anymore...

I have become Numb


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