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another question about the same girl.

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ok guys, i know i asked about my girlfriend and i was given good advice, but the fact remains i love the girl and i am willing to work things out with her, now i have a major problem though, she got drunk *yet again* and went to her family members birthday party, there she was told alot of pretty sad, mean things, in third party relation to her mother "she said well now she is heart broken, and says she is going, as in just leaving taking off. well she doesnt mind the fact that all of these people hate her mother with a passion and such but aside from that, i have talked her into waiting until i can find a way to support us enough to move in together, my problem is, i do love this girl. and being that i love her, i want to do things right for both of us. it seems like a happy novel idea to live together, but i know how it brings stress. i know it is not always the best step especialy seeing as we've had alot of troubles before. needless to say, im a man, in love, so i will probably do it, but since i have no one of an elder position to query about this i would ask that you could give me some advice, if we do move together whats the best way to handle it, should i? etc. i thank you very much in advance

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  • 1 month later...

Hi mhonkieys,


It all depends a little bit on how old you guys are. You also need resources like a job to pay the rent and other bills. It might be a good idea to start to talk about the future, too. What are your needs and what are hers? Are they REALLY compatible? Do YOU think it is gonna work out, because I very often hear that hesitation is a 'no go'. I also feel that you're somewhat pressured to start to live together. I am not sure if that's an ideal situation, either.


There's so much that you might have overlooked. I would want to advice you to take things a little slower and think of all the consequences that your decisions have.


I hope that this helped you and I wish you good luck in making the right decisions that work for you and your g/f.


~ SwingFox ~

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  • 8 months later...

thanks for the rely (this is quite some time later) with advice from many people, i did not move in with her, in fact i later found out she was having sex with a married man, her ex boyfriend, and her best friend while we were together, so much for that eh? lol


Life goes on, just an odd follow up.

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