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I am SOOOOOO with you!!!!!!!!


Ive been with the same guy for the last 4 years and now he tells me that he DOES NOT want to get married and he most likely never wants to have kids....... like great! What am I supposed to do? I love him so much...before he just said he wanted all this in the future... I did as well so I didnt think he meant NEVER

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Hiya AIN


Hmmm I been feeling like im on a rollercoaster myself, one minute I can be laughing with my friends and having a good time, the next, I wonder where my life is going.


what I try to do is set small goals and accomplish them, and thats how i move forward. I know what I want and need to make me happy, just havent found it yet, but I know I will eventually.


You need to ask, what makes you happy? what is it you want, after you know what those things are, no matter how big, you can just take baby steps towards that goal.

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Yeah as bad and unhappy your life gets you have to remember taht stuff passes and youll eventually find something that will make you happy, like gilgamesh said, set small goals you can achieve and also try to find a hobby that you really like and start playing/using/doing/etc. it, if it makes you happy then continue with it

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