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telling my mom i have cut

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Tell her exactly like you just told us. You don't know why you did that and you stopped doing it. Simple truth said simply do the trick most of the time.


On a side note, are you really 34 and asking advice how to tell your mom something? sorry for asking but it seems a little odd to me since you're my senior and I don't have any problem telling my parents anything because I'm now an adult too...

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hehe that make more sense now


Now on to your problem don't tell her until she bring the subject on the table, that will mean that she will have digested some of it and made some thinking about it.


Stress out the fact that you've stopped doing it and that you won't do it again. If you have something to tell her about, now might be the right time.

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yeah i thought my grand mother would have told her yesterday because that is when she saw it but my mom didnt say anything so i was like ok i'm gonna not say anything. cuz maybe she didn't tell her... i don't know but i have been freaking out all day but still nothing so yeah. i could say all of how everything is and all but that would take alot. but thanks.

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Hey Ummm i have and idea that might help... ok heres what to do... wait for ur mom or who ever to ask about it un less u feel like starting the conversation out of fear she will do something derastic... so just tell her that u havent cut for a wile and have been getting help on line there are sites like this that can give addvice and can help show her this or another topic like this about why cutters cut maybe she will start to understand and tell her how u feel and y u started to cut and stuff maybe ur mom will have some idea about how to help and is just wait ing for the right moment


E-mail me and let me know if it all works out

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yeah its a hard conversation to start and i wouldnt tell her if she doesnt ask because i only told my dad so i could get counceling i needed and now i have counceling every wednesday and am on anti depressants if it comes up compare it to smoking or doing drugs or things that other kids experiment with it would help understand it better. just out of curiosity how is it your grandmother noticed your scars and your mom didnt? well good luck


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