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im not able to write anymore

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hey, ive got a problem. my poems are being criticed and made fun of i know some of you like my poems but i am not able to write anymore because of this it doesnt seem write i can stand criticism but some of the things this person has said has made me not want to write but writing is my only realease and i cant do it any more. any advice

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Hello dpressedone89,


I'm sorry you feel you are being poked fun at. Could you talk with me privately about this? Who has been doing this? Is it a forum member or is it someone outside the forum? Perhaps I can be of some assistance.



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I know what you mean, I am very sensitive to critisism too. the only advice that I can give is to take a break until you really feel drawn to it again. You know what I mean, let it go and find something else to draw your attention, some other skill, or send them to the people who care. I know that your poetry is very good. It is of a very high level of quality, but anything that is done at a high level of quality can lead to burn out which is what you are experiencing now.


It isn't a big deal so dont worry about it, it will come back because it is something that you enjoy doing and that you are very good at.

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I can only say that everone is a critic. It is something you have to deal with at times (unfortunately). Don't let them discourage you from doing something you like. I think your poetry is very well written and versed. I have enjoyed your poetry very much and if you stop writing then it will be sorely missed. Take a break if you must but, don't let someone who is probably jealous of your talent get in the way.



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well no its not a forum member and its ok i can handle a little criticism but this person is saying my poetry is to depressing i should just keep it to myself she's like if ur life is this bad go kill urself no one would miss you. and yeah that sounds like an exageration but it isnt she posted that on my site i deleted it because i dont need negativity on my site. its not even that i want her to stop but i cant bring myself to write anymore its just too hard everytime i try i think well maybe i am too depressing maybe i should keep it to myself. i tried to write happy stuff but i cant because im not a happy person when i write im trying to get out my bad feelings. i cant be happy my writing is depressing but you'd think if she doesnt like it she just wouldnt read it but she does and she disses me and makes comments about how its horrendous and all this mean stuff.is there a way i can make her stop or just be able to write because i need to be able to write now but i cant. and Avman we can talk on AIM if u want but i think i already answered ur question. any advice badly needed


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no i dont, i could probably get it but reporting her would just give her more reason to make fun of me on that little site of hers. i just wanna be able to write again i dont kare if she harasses me or not i should be able to write thats what i do when im upset and i cant do that anymore


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Well you can do one of many things. One you can post on your site her web presense and the members here that like your work can go there and make comments to her to stop. Two you can pm me with the site and I will gladly do it myself. Your writing is an outlet and just because she does not like what she reads no one asked her for her opinion.


You should continue to write the way you do because your not seeking this one opinion.



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Writing is a great way of expressing your feelings be they positive or negative, she should respect that right and keep her comments to herself, don`t tell me her web address because I`ll probably flame her!

Don`t stop writing poems, and don`t worry about minority opinions.

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All my poems are very depressing and I use them as a way to let out my thoughts/emotions too. But that's not why I decided to post...It's because I have read some of your poetry and I love it! PLEASE don't stop! You're too gifted to let one critisim get you down! I know it can hurt and make you question your writing but who cares what other people think if they're going to say that? Write for you!


Good luck and keep up the good work,


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That is pretty much what I wanted the website posted. Lets see this person take a little critisim on what she does and believe me. I can be such a bastard when I need to be. Who the heck does she think she is telling this talented person not to write. Who does she think she is by telling him to kill himself.


Comon now she needs to be FLAMED a little.


That is my two cents,


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Nobody should ever tell anyone indirectly or directly to kill themself or that their life is not important. We all are governed my our inner voice to do what is right and it is never ok to dismiss another individual's creativity.


That person is not clear on how to treat people.

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the last thing she wrote on my site was "Why don't you just do it, already? Everyone already hates you or just gets creeped out by you already."

"i'm not the the one bxxxing and moaning about wanting kill myself and not doing anything about it. yes, no one will miss you, okay? just do it."

she's not very nice in her criticism. is there anyway that i could not let that bother me i kant write because she thinks my poems are depressing. any oppinions or anything?


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Do not post the website of this person publicly. What you are all suggesting is a campaign to harass her and that would make you no better than her. Also thats not something we would permit on eNotalone.


Report this person to the webmaster of her site. Many times the blog websites have policies against harassing someone and they can force her to stop.

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Yeah, as I told you in the private messages, don't harass her, just be really nice to her. That will freak her out the most, and if it fails the worst that happens is she becomes your friend. It is a win-win situation! She'll think you are planning something, and while you aren't completely to blame, as long as you are kind to her, anything that she gets angry about is in her mind only.

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ok well first of all, fear not i had no intention of giving her site address because having people harass her is not only wrong its a bad idea too because then she'll just have more things to make fun of. another thing is eh?im canadian, i tried your advice im not sure if it worked yet there are two of them and i know who they are but that doesnt really matter. the guy and i were friends before and will be again. the girl never liked me in the first place so no big loss.i finally agreed to stop posting my stuff on my site because i have no right to post my depressing things on a public site. granted it was my site but the reason they wanted me to stop is i make them sad when i write in there i know i shouldnt stop because i have every right but they have a poin a week poin but still a point so i wanna try to avoid conflict. we were talking yesterday she was talking about how untalented i am im like ok thats a matter of oppinion but whatever. i still cant write though i am getting so self conscious about my writing now these people think im so untalented i should kill myself so no one has to read this horrendous poetry of mine is there any way i can get my confidence back?


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I have no idea why she said you should kill yourself. I know your life has a bunch of difficult problems ( sounds dorky, I don't knwo how to rephrase it though), but it is very rare when your life becomes so bad it is better to just die than live. It seems like this girl is taking a really big risk. I mean how would your conscience feel if you told someone to kill themselves because they were worthless and then they did? I am not saying you are worthless, I am saying thats basically what she said. Just ask her "What have I done that makes you hate me so much?". Now I had an idea for maximum "winningness" Ask her how her life has been going and if she has any problems. If she says its none of your business, which by the way it isnt, just say "Well you seem so sad all the time, like there is something you are holding back from everyone." I'll bet that there is something thats she is sad about because it isn't natural or healthy to want others to die.

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hey, i can understand your feeling on thids one, i know when im down or stressed i seem to vent through writing. but do you know when you dont want someone to respond because you know people arent going to take the poem well, i can remember a time i asked for others not to respond because i understoud that and that i was generally venting, and i had her criticise me so i know the feeling, it puts you off wanting to write, and really who can decide what you say, you know?


good luck on this one though, im sorry its come to this point for you.


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hey i still need lots more advice with this but i just thought id thank those who have helped so far and i would like to mention that she said the reason she wants me to kill myself is because people like me who talk about how bad things are when there are people who have it worse. she says im ungrateful of my life and that even thinking about things like what i write about is sickening and she thinks she is doing her part in the world if she can get one person like me to kill myself the world would be a better place i thought id mention that in case it made any difference in what you guys say.


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shes a tad spiteful and a little harsh on the words, how old is she? i dont see why she should feel that way, and as for the line, ''the is always someone worse'' well to another person, maybe you are that someone worse. look i dont know your life and obviously there are some issues that you like to write about like the rest of us, but i can assure you she has no reason to say what she does, and when your at the peak of emotions as selfish as it may sound, you dont think about that other person who is worse off, sometimes we need to fend for ourselves and for you, thats writing in a release, then you carry on.


you arent sickening by what you say, your realistic, voicing something others would keep quiet, and if you write that way you write that way, i mean she never knows, you might post one of the most empowering and encouraging poems once you see things in a different light.


your life is your life and say it in your own words.



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