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Whats the most Embarassin thing your gf/bf have done to you?

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Let see there two things my ex made me do that was embarrassing


1)Well, she made me go into Victoria Secret!! And made all these girls stare at me, thinkin why I'm sittin alone inside there for. Since I dont want to follow her, when she "pickin out" what she need. Afterwords, she pick this bra and ask me how it look, Im like "oh my goodness, IT'S A BRA, whats the different from a plane bra and one with flower!?" She reacted "HMPH!!" And she was swingin it around, I was tiein my shoelace and when I got back up her bra strap hit me right on the cheeks!!! And it was caught on video camera!! The security was hella cracking up =(


2) She told me she was going to put something in my backpack, since she has no pocket for the jeans she was wearing. So I was like alright sure, but make sure you help me zip it back up. Then later my friend ask me for a pencil, I was 'okay dude' go look for it yourself. So he went inside my backpack. And later guess what he FOUND in my backpack? A FREAKIN PAD OR TAMPON!!, My friend was like "AHAHAHAH OH MY GOD DUDE.. WHAT ARE YOU DOING WITH THIS?" He said it really loud, then the whole class was all laughtin at me. This loud girl class clown girl was like 'ITS A TAAAAPONNN!' She grabed from my friend, and said "THANKS I NEED IT" the whole class couldn't stop laughtin once she grab it from my friend, I told them its not mines, It belongs to my gf. everyone was like "SURE! RIGHTTT.."


YES VERY embarrassIN AINT IT!? GRR... Worst then a nightmare!! Please share your embarrassin also =l

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Well, the first one, I wouldnt be that embarrassed, Id actually have an Ego trip being with a girl picking out sexy underthings with me.


As for the Tampon thing, well yeah, that was a biggy, it would be taht same as if you had put a Jock strap in her backpack.


Anyhow, obviously she is a person that has plenty of confidence in you and is very open. your lucky.


I cant think of anything real embarrasing, I guess picking up kotex for my ex wife when we were married, not something I enjoy.


On the other hand I have no problem with buying her sexy underthingies which she liked a lot.

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LoL! AznBoy, You're FUNNY!


Once again, another one of your fun posts! I think that one of the most embarrassing things that I did to one of my exs was to have him hold my purse. Hehe. He did it too! See! That's what you call a 'Real Man.' LoL! Thought that was cute!


That tampon thing? Testy, wasn't she?!


Ebarrassing ay? Kinda of a tough one. Hmm..

1.) He made me call him "Papi Chulo." Kinda embarrassing, because I wasn't used to saying those words.

2.) When he started getting all touchy feely out in public. One time in particular, while we went dancing at Myagi's. PDAs are one thing, but what he did, I thought that he went too far. That was embarrassing.

3.) Camera- unwanted attention, unwanted videotaping at his sister's wedding. He sent it too his mom too. That was way too embarrassing. I guess I'm just shy about that.

4.) When one of my ex's used to fart out loud, he'd be like "Quit farting! Gosh! It smells. Have some common courtesy, will ya?" He'd say it out loud too. So stupid. It was his way of trying to be silly I guess. What a funny boy. Hehe.

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Well i did remember one, not so much, made me do it, but....


anyway this was with my ex wife, when we were dating, we went out late one night, and I was, how can i say it, giving her some intimate attention, anyway, a cop showed up, id like to die, I was embarrased but also scared out of my mind.


Lucky for me it wasnt in this country, a gave the cop a "tip" and we both left, white as ghosts.


I read recently about a case of a guy in Virginia Beach that got cought doing the same thing to his girl, that case is still in court I think. What i did was worse!, at least they were in his car.


anyway, if I had to do it over again, I would lol

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One of the sickest things that I've ever seen a couple do 'in public,' was having sex in the movie theatres. I was about 16, and saw these two folks, who were about 40, doing it in the movie theatres while watching Titanic. The lady straight up jumped on the guy's laps, and rode him! Talk about her sexual peak. It looked like she grinded the guy to death! I just felt like saying, "Can we get a motel 6, here."


Good thing the surround sound speakers were loud enough. Didn't want to hear all of the details that came a long with it. Just seeing it was bad enough! LoL! The things that people do these days... (But I guess the getting caught part, really adds to 'excitement'/passion.)

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Wow, thats really in public place, I was in public park but it was late at night in the dark.


I could never do that in a theater full of people watching, most i would do in a theater is do a lot of touching, or allow her to touch me.


It is fun and exciting doing it in places "you could get caught", like stopping an elevator, or in a closet with people outside, etc. I have not done these things often but when i have, my dates really loved it, specially when its by surprise and unexpected.

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I know what you mean. I think that doing things that 'might get us caught' is one of the most exciting things that happened with my ex, and at the same time, it was one of the most embarrassing moments. In one way or the other, we always got caught. Good thing it was mostly the kissing part of the making out. Kinda embarrassing, but spicy at the same time.


It's just that rush that adds more to the tingling feelings and sensation. I'm shy about PDA's, but not my last ex. But sponteneity will always add to the chemistry. (However, I didn't like the fact that he groped me a few times on the dancefloor, and tried kissing in public too much. I slapped his hand for it, but he still did it. I told him to stop, but he wouldn't. I guess at that point into the relationship, he got really comfortable, and started to reveal his 'Real side'. Thought he was a shy guy. Guess not...That was really embarrassing though. ) At least you tried to be a private about your giving her some 'special attention.' I can imagine how embarrassing it was for the two of you. I know how it feels

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One of the sickest things that I've ever seen a couple do 'in public,' was having sex in the movie theatres. I was about 16, and saw these two folks, who were about 40, doing it in the movie theatres while watching Titanic. The lady straight up jumped on the guy's laps, and rode him! Talk about her sexual peak. It looked like she grinded the guy to death! I just felt like saying, "Can we get a motel 6, here."


Good thing the surround sound speakers were loud enough. Didn't want to hear all of the details that came a long with it. Just seeing it was bad enough! LoL! The things that people do these days... (But I guess the getting caught part, really adds to 'excitement'/passion.)


whoa... Let get it on! J/K the couple made the movie to rated R, that would be quite entertainment as long they aint blockin my view of the movie! grr!


Pay like around $6.25 get to watch a movie, and be able to watch a couple have sex. Thats like a deal of a life time. A 2 for 1 offer! oh my goodness! What a deal, cheaper then going to a stripe club. Hah, I'm just messin with you guys.

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