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hygene (I think that how you spell it) teeth...

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Well...I basictly brush my teeth at least once a day, and I use mouthwash, and I also do some floosing when I remember, usually every other day.


How much do I need do in order to have a nice breath and stuff, I don't have a breath problem or anything, I just want to smell nice.


Also I been brushing my teeth about twice a day for one year, and use mouthwash and etc,(what I said above). And my teeth are not crystal white.

Before one year ago I brush my teeth once a day.


I don't drink cofee or soda( maybey a 20 oz. can a month ).

I use whiteing toothpaste for a year, and no results. I can still see some yellow in there, that bad, but still.


Thanks anyone.

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Okay...media gives you this fake perception of how white your teeth should be. Granted, things like colas/coffees/smoking can make them really yellow and stained HOWEVER, the colour of your teeth is also in big part due to your genetics. Whiter teeth do NOT equal stronger teeth or healthier teeth, and moreover, at home bleaching processes can be making your tooth enamel even weaker.


Doing it on your own, you are NOT going to be able to get them whiter than you are genetically programmed to have them (sad truth!) and you may end up doing damage (as I indicated above). If you really want to get them whiter, see a dentist for bleaching/veneers etc, but even then they will not be crystal white...because that just looks freaky & fake!


Brush at least twice a day, floss, mouthwash, etc. And again, if you want effective whitening or other methods to make your smile whiter, see a dentist!


P.S. Close...but add an "i" - hygiene

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hey if u dont mind spendin like 14 bucks..colgate or crest Simply white...u put it on at night and in the morning u brush it off...start useing that for al ong time...n u will get a lot whiter smile...Bakeing soda toothpaste is really good for a white smile tooo...But yea if u buy a thing of simply white u cant go wrong..it works remarkabley good..everyone coments me on my smile...


N if u eat Burnt toast ...believe it or not but the charcoal from the burntness with whiten ur teeth also...Good luck

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Don't become obssesive compulsive about it, but you should probably still brush your teeth more than twice a day... And FLOSS. I brush my teeth after every meal (and remember to brush your gums and tongue, they get germs as well). I also brush my teeth as soon as a wake up and right before I go to bed. Mouthwash is a really good way to kill germs, and you should do that ATLEAST once a day, I'd say. And remember to floss!


As for the teeth whitening thing, here are some things you can do about that:


-Continue using whitening toothpaste. Brush longer than usually, the whitening works as you brush.


-It also helps to put a coat of whitening toothpaste over your teeth, and leave it there for about a half an hour. I heard that'll help whiten your teeth.


-Try Crest Whitestrips. It takes only a week and it's just about invisible. It's also cheap for whitening.


-Go to your dentist. They will make molds for your teeth and then give you a serum to put in the molded trays. It only takes about an hour or so a night (the dentist will tell you). It takes a while (more than a week) before you notice anything. Pretty expensive (about $300 when I did it).


-There is also a way that I am unfamiliar with. It's instant. I think they spray your teeth or something. You'll have to look into that yourself. Ask your dentist. I'm sure it's pretty pricey, though.

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I highly recommend Crest whitestrips. They also have temporary whitestrips that are just like makeup. You put them on and your teeth look white, but they don't actually hurt your teeth because they're not doing anything to them, just covering them up with a false outer layer. They're immensely popular right now--so popular that the CVS near my college completely sold out last time I checked.


If you want fresh breath, always carry around some gums or mints. Using mouthwash and brushing well is a great way to eliminate nasty smells, but you can't have that minty scent all day long unless you brush 24/7. So whenever you want to make a good impression, take some mints or use those listerine fast dissolving strips. Works wonders.

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You should not brush your teeth more than twice per day, overbrushing can ultimately lead to gum problems. Also you should really avoid using whitening agents, they are usually either abrasive or contain some type of bleaching agent...either way long term they will damage your tooth enamel.

Not point brushing your tongue, it is just a muscle and has no odor. The saliva that coats the tongue has odor. As soon as you have brushed your tongue and closed your mouth it will be covered in saliva again. That odor will be determined by your hygiene practices and diet, flossing once per day and brushing twice per day is good practice. Avoid diets that are high in protien (meats mainly) for better breathe.

Finally electric tooth brushes are 4 times as effective as maual ones. But make sure if you get one that you purchase one that has at least 20,000 revs per minute and preferrably pulsating action...so you will have to spend a bit more.

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I'm sorry, but its a bad idea to brush your gums, your tooth brush has germs, since the bathroom has a lot of germs, they spread to your tooth brush, thats why you need about at least 3 new tooth brushes a year. All the germs from your tooth brush will be entered to your body, and its known to cause heart problems (I don't remember what else it causes). Anyways you can't just wash off all the germs from your tooth brush, you need to put it in really hot water for about 2-3 minutes to make sure its clean.


Also the best toothbrush that I seen, but I don't know the name. Is a toothbrush with thick sticks at the end...so when you brush those sticks aren't to sharp for your gums, and thereforeeee it won't cause too much damage.


For anyone thinking of brushing there gums, if you see bleeding, even small bleeding...Don't brush them, instead use mouthwash and let them get healthy. Thats about it.


If you have good Gums....then brush them away


I still need some more advice on whiteing my teeth. 8)

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  • 2 weeks later...
All the germs from your tooth brush will be entered to your body, and its known to cause heart problems (I don't remember what else it causes).


That's called being paranoid. Yes, you should change your toothbrush that often but to say it can lead all the way into your heart?... Wow. (Then, virtually anything you put in your mouth can lead to heart problems... Everything has germs on them. Including that spoon you eat with.)


And it's actually really good to brush your gums, because your gums can become inflamed and you could get gingivitis (especially if you have braces). Don't brush them rough or anything.

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