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Why is it hard to accept?

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Does anyone else have this experience: You *know* about someone's flaws, but they bug you anyway?


I was just wondering why it is sometimes hard to accept people as they are. Like, I get mad because a friend lies to me, but then, she frequently lies to people. That's just the way she is.


Or, it bothers me that a co-worker is incredibly ambitious and is always talking himself up.


I was reading that if you can just accept how the other person is, you won't get mad about it anymore. But I haven't quite figured out how to just "accept" -- does anyone have advice? I don't want other people's behavior to bother me. Thanks!!


P.S. Yes, I do know I have flaws myself, so I don't think I'm on a superiority trip or anything.

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I wish I had a dollar for everytime I felt the way the writer feels. It is difficult to connect to someone who lies and is overly ambitious. These are both things that set me off too. I am not sure if I even have an answer better than the ones that are already up there.


I guess the real need is to distance yourself on the behavior rather than the person. Some people will say that if you lie and cheat, that makes you a liar and a cheater, but the truth is that we are all full of different qualities and behaviors that are strengths in some areas of life and also weaknesses in other areas of life.


I have found that meditation and yoga gives me the confidence to ignore the little things and pay attention to the bigger picture.


Sometimes being a bit of a liar and a bragger is ok, just to keep it in check. Did I mention that I am getting straight As in my post doctorate work?? Just as an example ...

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