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moodless and lifeless


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I wish I knew the exact answer, cause I feel very bored.


Well this summer me and a couple of friends have planned to do stuff just about every week since school let out. We didn't do nothing this week, but we're goign to see Spider-man 2 next week.

I'm always not bored when I'm around them, but the gaps between these days are very boring. I've tried getting a summer job, but no one has hired me.


It all really depends on how "bored" or "dead" they are. So you might need to elaborate on that.

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As orange blood said, it would help if you could elaborate on how down they are feeling.


Whenever one of my friends is feeling down, myself and a few others usually invite them out and find something interesting to do. Or I just make them laugh and be cheery around them, that usually brightens up their day!



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ALL of us feel bored some of the time. A certain amount of boredom in one's life is to be expected.


You have your friends and you arrange things to do in advance. This will give you something to look farward to.


Don't rely on your friends all of the time to so that you are not bored. Keep searching for a summer job. If you don't find one, is there any activities that you like that you could take up as a hobby, Drama, sports... even helping out an elderly neighbour with the garden .


Having something to do, that you like, will help a lot.


good luck

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Um thanks for the advice?

I was just offering an example of what I sometimes do to cure my boredomness. I sometimes go hang out with my dad when he finally has a day off. Goto blockbuster. Write. Do some work on the computer. Other stuff.

I don't usually rely on my friends to cure my boredomness, this is actually the first summer I have even been anywhere with people I know from school.



1. You might be able to cheer them up by inviting them to go some place like the movies, mall or amusement park.

2. Some people are too down to go out with alot of people, so maybe a one on one outing, or just you at their place just talking and sorting things out(maybe another close friend can join in as well).

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