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Hardships, only a obsticle in the way.

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The hardships really can take their toll on people when the couple are done with a relationship. Things never seem to feel the same, and it just makes things worse day by day. but why go about and let someone ruin your life that you were given? why let all those things bother you so much? well yeah, the love you two had that was strong, and all the great memories. but what is it that hurts us the most when we exp. hardships? is it our mistakes? is something that they person saw as a defect? alot of questions can run through your mind and most of them are irrational. the events that lead up to that fateful break up stick with you the rest of your life, even thought you are moving on. still gets me everytime. do you know that i cant sleep in my own bed anymore? i have to sleep somewhere out of my room and in a different one or i get so cold and sick to my stomach. i dont know what it is that makes me that way, it might be the memories tied to my room. and not just the sexual encounters that my ex and i had, but the intimate talks and long convos that we shared while laying down and looking at each others eyes. for the first time in a month i layed on my bed and i got this very uneasy feeling almost like if it was going to kill me type feeling. strange. but thats how it was. let me know if thats ever happened to any of you out there ok? please let me know so i dont feel like im the only guy who had that feeling of discomfort LOL. you know if you take the things or the environment around you, that your ex and yourself had had memories at or in, why is it that you get that fearful feeling? i know for one that because of the memories that are tied to it, make it a bad omen that no one wants. and it just makes those hardships taken to the next level. but let me ask all of you this: what makes all of us see these events and yet still have that heart that beats for that other woman that comes into your life? the question may seem vague but if you cant understand it then ill clarify it up for you. well guys thats all i got for now at this point. i dont know if i was babbling or not let me know so i dont make myself look like an idiot LOL. thanks guys and take care.

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Well I'm a girl, and I know what youre going through. I use to feel the same uneasy feeling when I would go somewhere that me and my ex had gone. I can't really explain why we do that, but I have come up with some kind of reason. I think that we know after time has passed that we'll be okay without them. Its hard to really comprehend because I guess somewhere we didn't think it was possible. I know there was a time in my relationship where I thought I couldn't breathe if I weren't with this one guy. I know there are days when I look around and everthing I look at reminds me of my ex, but that doesn't mean you can't go forward with your life. I've always been told take what you learned from that relationship and apply it to the next. When a person you love hurts you, I know our hearts will forever be scarred, but our hearts heal and we will grow stronger from the experience. After time and more time goes by you start to learn that some people aren't right for you, but one day you'll come accross the most amazing person. Getting hurt and having to deal with it isn't easy, but thats one of the things that make us who we are, and help us through life. Exs are a wonderful thing. They teach us a lot more than we probably think. They might not be the right ones for us to spend the rest of our life with, but at the time we were with them, they were the right ones then. One day you'll wake up and you won't have that uneasy feeling about your room or anything else. Yes you'll still think about her, but it won't hurt as bad to walk into your room and lay there, or go places you use to go with her. Time heals everything.



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I broke up very recently and both of you have been very kind to understand my problem and guide me the right way. I know exactly what you mean. Everything around me, favorite song, favorite movie, my room, everything seems to remind me of him. I think the reason behind this is somewhere down the line when the relationship was perfect, we attched everything with our partners. We believed that this would last forever. There's nothing wrong with that belief but when it comes crushing down the hurt it causes is unbearable.

There is nothing wrong with the way you feel and no you are not an idiot; just someone sensitive who is taking time to get over the feeling of hurt. I fully understand how you feel, I so wish I could help you, but I am in the same boat. I just hope that the saying, time heals everything is just not a mere saying.



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you know who says that we need a degree in human emotion? we understand what it is that makes us the way we are. we know that things that upsets us, makes us angry, have fear, and feel the depression. none of us are obvilvious to it and we can see it clearly. but sometimes we dont want to see it and we deny what happens around us because we dont want to exp. all of those horrible feelings. we are exposed to so much and the mind can only take so much until it overloads. but to keep ourselfs from being in a sham of all these feelings is our friends and family help us from going overboard. so who knows maybe we shine the brightest because we take so much. maybe we are the stars and we dont know it yet.

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