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Can someone give me some opinions??

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And I just had to add this..


orange blood, the situation you described with the girl you liked is a lot like something that happened to me..except I was that girl that ignored the guy I feel really bad about that..I didn't mean it, I think it was just that I didn't know how to act and wasn't sure if the guy liked me and I just acted really coldly..there were a lot of things going on at the same time though, like my marks were really low and I felt like I had to shove him out of my mind and get back to academics. And the only way to do that would be to remove emotions completely..I can be pretty brutal like that. I probably get it from my dad..


But anyways, one thing that taught me was that I can't just play with human emotions like that. I really hurt the guy and I realize that, and feel bad about it. But now I'm not as introverted as I used to be & am learning to be more friendly and open with people. It's hard but I have to learn to understand people..I didn't even really know the signs for when a person likes you as well, and was confused. This probably isn't the same reason the girl you liked had, but the events were similar.


Now I found out through a friend that the guy *still* likes me after all that and I don't know what to do. I feel like I should apologize but I don't really know why I treated him like I did, it was so rude of me, but there's really not one reason...just a whole confusing combination. But I feel I owe it to him to apologize anyways & hopefully just straighten things out a bit. I know it can be hard to forgive someone for that, but I guess it's possible..

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About tips..


I agree with all the ones RagingBull mentioned & the previous poster. Don't appear desperate - appear confident & calm if you can. And be nice..if you go out to dinner, offer to pay for her (well just my personal opinion you don't have to) and treat her with respect. You'll most likely do something like go see a movie where there's not a lot of talking involved anywys, so it shouldn't be too stressful. But afterwards just try to strike up a convo., ask her how she liked the movie & just be yourself. She likes you already, so you shouldn't feel the need to really impress her & go all out.


hope that helps,



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yeah, once or twice a week is enough, but it's not a rule written in stone. You can do more if you like & she feels up to it. But I know that what they said is true for me..if a guy messages me too often or wants to see me too much I get turned off, even if I like him. Man, it must be tough to be a guy, lol.. You guys seem so sweet though, I'm sure things will work out alright.


And thanks Calvin. I think he really likes me from what my friend said except I know he's probably wondering about the past, probably wondering 'oh so NOW you like me, nice to know after ignoring me for like 2 months..' but I did talk with him afterwards a bit..*sigh* I'm usually pretty good at explaining things though, so hopefully things will work out ok.

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Hey orange blood,


Wow, that's a long story..but I'm glad you shared it. =) The details aren't the same as mine of course, but the general scenerio sorta is. Except instead of getting over me like you were able to get over her, he's apparently still 'obsessed' with me. hehe. I sorta hope that lasts, except he's leaving for another country at the end of the summer so in a way I don't want to get too close if so, just because I know it will be hard..but we'll see what happens anyways.


Thanks again, good luck with everything! Above all, I'm glad you were able to make friends with other people & move on with your life, that's important, and will allow you to meet other people. =)

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Wow, that's a long story..

Yeah, I realized like before the last day of school how much my life is like a good tv show. One of my friends once commented I could make millions doing a reality tv show for FOX.

Just alot of weird occurrences and other stuff that keeps my life interesting I guess, but it's more fun to be a bystander than the one along for the ride.


(just so this isn't my shortest post, don't want to disappoint

One example is I "met"(well not really, more found out her name and what she looked like than met) this girl duirng this 3 day water bottle thing our school used to make the incoming freshman do duirng the summer(only 6 people in our session). After that I wished that I would at least have one class with her freshman year. But life would have none of it. Other things and other people came into play, and I was basically over it pretty quicky.

Then sophmore year(this year). We have english class together put she gets put in the front, while I get put in the back of the class. We don't talk 1st semester. Then 2nd semester teacher was in an car accident(nothing big, just made her miss that day cause she didn't have a ride) so we basically get a free period, so she talks to her friends in the back of the room and some how I get into that discussion(she was also siting in the back cause the teacher wasn't there). i was surprised she knew my name, but then again the english teacher calls my name out alot. Nothing really happens to weeks later when we have our state tests and are in the same room for 3 days. We don't reallt talk there, maybe some small talk. (Still on good terms with the other girl here, also got her SN around this time). But after that we just started talking outside the english room right after lunch was over, then that turned into talking during lunch upstairs at the lockers and talking to each other in the morning.

Started as basically nothing, me just knowing her name for a year, and turned into maybe my first true friend in like only a month.


Sorry, just couldn't resist giving one example out of many. Maybe i'm just addicted to writing long posts.

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