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Confused about this girl, Please someone try to help me out.

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Well, in Febuary I liked this girl I alot, that consider a close friend of mines. There was an up comin dance, so I decided to ask her to the dance, afterwords like 2 days she called me on the phone. She was like "You like me, dont you?" and I said maybe, then she just said she just see me as a close friend. I was kinda down, when I heard this. Everything between me and her slowly became awkwards, whenever I see her. But things slowly went back to the friendship level. Anyways So I decided to change my personality, and get some help from my "cousins" that good with gettin girls, seein how him work his magic : ) Afterwords, couple more months pass by, this is like a whole new me. We just started to chat just as friends, now during the summer. I asked her to come over to my house, she seems like, she excited. And said "oh yes! bondin time" and couple nights later I was talking to her, she was tellin me some uncomfortable time she having during summer school, and with my new personality that I think she sense it somehow, I can just feel it. She also said "You always find someway to make me feel better about myself" Now I just make her laught, and help her out instead of being needy, shy, and wussy type of guy. But the thing is, how come she started to like hangin around me now, and more flirtin etc. AND if I do like her again, how can I express it to her?

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After reading your post I would have to say she likes you as a friend, and that she really likes you. Don't give up just because a few words were exchanged in the past. Those words to the other party are sometimes long forgotten. If you really like her, and want her as your girlfriend (sounds like you do) well you won't know unless you try. Ask her to a movie or something for starters.


Good luck





8) 8)

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Can I ask how old SHE is? I loved being 15 and discovering guys and everything that comes with them. I had a relationship (my high school sweetheart) blossom from a friendship with my neighborhood pal Chris. At first I was like NO NO NO. Then after a few months things changed. Maybe she likes the new you as a friend still, but then again, if you think you're perceptive enough to tell that she's being coy and flirty, just ride it out. She'll eventually make her move. I sorta agree with Kuhl... you never know until you try. . . but ride it out for a little while. Don't rush it. Just see how everything goes and if you keep getting signals that she might be more attracted to you than just friends, find an opportune moment to tell her how beautiful you think she is. The ask to a movie idea is great.

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Thank you, for your delightful comments. I appreciate it alot : ), Hmm I dunno, also she kinda religious, and is probably lookin for a type of guy that share the same religion as her.

Oh yea, She 16 by the way, just a couple months older then me. I'm 15, and gonna be 16.

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