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What to talk about?

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Aloha Dreng,


I'm not much of a phone person, but this is what my friends and I talk about:


1. School- Tough classes, what we need to focus on, and occasionally, we bag on the professors (among the 'bitter' ones. LoL! )


2. Politics- We like to talk trash about the dumb politicians. For the most part, if we agree on the same issues. It depends on your bond, and the group of friends or person who can carry on conversations about poltics.


3. Guy Problems- We like to get straight to the point. We have a tendency not to dwell too much. But, we'll talk about how we want to resolve issues, and leave it at that.


4. Weekend Plans- What we might want to do when we hang out with each other. This goes for both guy/girl.


I guess it also depends on the type of friendship. Some friends, we tend to keep conversations casual, fun, and light. While with some of my other friends, one in particular, she likes to preach to me about God and Religion. I don't add much to the conversation. (If anything, talking about religion bugs me more than anything. I've had enough of those 'lectures' during my 10 years of Sunday School. I love God, but don't like to talk about religion too much. Gets annoying. I keep him in my heart, and would hope that conversations don't have to lead to the 'same' thing that I can listen to, during Sunday mass. That's just me though. ). Last but not least, with some friends, we usuallly like to talk about the good ol' days, back in the days stuff.


For the most part, in keeping the conversations going, we talk about whatever intrigues us. It doesn't matter what it is. I'd rather hang out with my friends in person, rather than spending tedious hours on the phone. Sometimes phone conversations are fun, especially if it's with someone who you completely bond with, such as your significant other, or bestfriend. There isn't really anyway to just come up with things. We just let the conversations flow. Whatever it is, we try not too "dwell" too much, because it doesn't lead us to get anywhere. Hope this Helps. Buenos Noches! Mahlina

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