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i barly know her...

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Well I am 15 going on 16 is a few weeks and I have never had a date. I personally do not have any friends that are girls that I hang out with. I want to ask a girl out but she barley knows me and I barley know her (by barley I mean we see each other like in the halls of my school but never talk but know each others names). And I don't know if it is ok to ask some one out if you practically know nothing about them and they know nothing about you. And if so how would I go asking some one out? plz help...

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That's what dating is for silly! How are you going to get to know someone unless you talk to them! No matter what I say your gonna be afraid or sceared of asking her out! Sounds crazy I know but try bumping into her, accidently, heheh! A guy did that to me once, it definatly got a conversation started, a good one!

Try sitting by her at lunch, or whenever it is you see her.

And if your smart try helping her out in one of her classes.

If she's importent enough to be on your mind a lot, shes worth a try. you really have nothing to loose, right??

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ya i guess that your right i have gave it allot of thaught and have been trying to think of some way to ask her out (what to say when i do). i was told that i should just invite her to go bowling or something, allong with a group of my friends. but that doesent seem to be like really asking her out. so do you thing she would she get the hint that i was asking her out. or should i just say do you want to go cetch a bite to eat at the beach? or something like that

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