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I think a lot of people need to be aware of this

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I've been reading a lot of posts here and just like a lot of ya'll i'm having trouble healing from a bad break-up (won't bore ya with the details) i'm in therapy and had some law trouble because of it(dui). one thing i've learned from my therapist is that my ex/g of 5.5 years was and still is suffering from "borderline personality disorder" look it up on the web and the symptoms could explain a lot about your ex. reading the posts on this site has been a lot of help for me but i've got a long way to go. if anyone wants to discuss it post or message me.

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I'm going to throw an addendum onto that. Doctors have "popular" diagnoses they like to slap on a patient if the symptoms somewhat, but only somewhat, are similar. My fiance was told he has bipolar disorder, which is one of the popular ones right now. 10 years ago it would have been schizophrenia, and 100 years ago he'd have been just plain nuts. I think it was depression he was dealing with, since he's had it for years. And the therapist in question just passed out drugs to him without asking about past history or what might or might not have worked, completely disregarding anything we had to say about his symptoms and why we might disagree with his diagnosis.


Don't be too quick to assume that your partner, if having issues, automatically has some sort of disorder. It could be short-term depression, it could be anger issues, discontent, whatever. Not to say it COULDN'T be a disorder, but just be careful before suggesting to someone that they might have such a thing. It's also a handy excuse for the extreme/bizarre/irrational behavior, once one is given such a label!



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Yeah another popular diagnosis is Co-dependency right now. My wife went to therapy and low and behold she was co-dependent on me. As far as I can tell the answer for this was for her to divorce me.. Good therapy... Glad I paid for it... It keeps those therapists in business for them to diagnose you with something. If you are going there you must have something wrong with you... Its not like it is an exact science either, and just like any profession, some are better at it than others. I just pitty the people who get a bad therapist...


My two cents

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