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More confidence always better?

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ok I got a question for the girls here, do you think more confidence in a guy is always better? or would you find if a guy shows some insecurity you'd tend to approach him more?



there's this girl I really like and she's kind of shy. she doesn't talk much in group conversations, but she seems reasonably comfortable in one on one conversations. I on the other hand am pretty comfortable in a group and I joke around with other girls a lot, and a few of them can be somewhat playful with me (only a little bit nothing too bold). I don't know if because of this I would come accross as intimitating to the girl I like.


I've been trying to give her signals that I like her such as making the time to talk to her alone and approaching her more frequently than I do others, but I'm picking up no obvious response from her besides that she seems generally ethusiastic while talking to me (which could be due to a number of reasons such as maybe she's just not comfortable with me).


I don't know why the lack of any other signals from her. Maybe she's just not interested, or maybe she thinks I'm out of her league, maybe she just doesn't trust me, maybe she doesn't know how to express herself, or maybe I'm just too dense to pick up whatever signals she may be trying to give me, or maybe she's just not interested.


there nothing I can do if she isn't interested, but if she is, I'm wondering if she'd find me more approachble and be more comfortable with me if I cut back at being confident and show a little bit insecurity and needyness? or would that just come accross as freaky and not help me much?



I don't know, personally I think it's cute if a girl is kind of shy when she

approaches me, but I don't know if girls find the same thing about guys.



Please help, thanks

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Take what ember said to heart.


Do you want to be CUTE?


Or do you want to be attractive?


The older I get, the more difficult it becomes to understand women.


I have one thiong to add, if you have to change yourself in order to get women, then you are doing yourself a severe injustice. Be yourself, a girl will fall for you.

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A lot of shy people like a more outgoing partner, it helps balance them out and they get to do more. And shy can be cute and attractive, so can out going, depends on the person and the chemisty.


She might not be that shy, just not into small talk. If she's enthusiastic when she talks to you, you might be a bit dense and not picking it up. javascript


Ask her out. That is the best signal at all. Us girls don't know what is going on with guys half the time... we often read the signals wrong.


If you guys go out, then you can figure out if you are compatible.


Just a suggestion.

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