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LADIES! question about giving 'head'

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OK, my g/f has never given a guy oral sex (I give it to her all the time


Anyways, she wants to do it to me but is scared. The other day she did t for the first time, but with a flavored condom and only for a few minutes. She has done this a few times but always with a flavored condom and never until I have one (an orgasm).


She wanted me to find out what "it" tastes like and what some things she can do to please me are. She really wants to give me oral without a condom but is really nervous and says she would feel better knowing at least sort of what it tastes like.


Any help ladies, my g/f and I would really appreciate it!??

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first off, you got nothing to worry about as far as doing oral without a condom....unless either of you have herpes...not even aids can be transmitted orally....and it feels much better without....on to your question...my ex said it tastes like saltwater...I have heard that you can make it taste sweeter and less salty by eating blueberries because of a certain enzyme they contain....hope i helped 0X

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First of all, I'm pretty sure you can get AIDS from unprotected oral sex.

Anyway, cum does taste salty & kinda bitter. The taste differs from man to man & depends on what he's been eating. To help her get over the shock of the taste, you might want to have a drink handy in the room.

Good luck with everything

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i think that you need to suppost your gf and give her all the time in the world. and if she doesnt make you come then so what just masturbate yourself until you do come. simpe as. that way when she sees you come she might see what can happen to you and feel a bit more confident. if you get what i mean!

just be patient and loving and she wil come round to your way of thinking

thats just my opinion. hope it helps

catie xxx

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not even aids can be transmitted orally


This is NOT accurate. AIDS can certainly be transmitted orally. If the person giving oral sex has any kind of break in the skin in their lips, gums, mouth, tongue, ANYTHING then the virus can enter. If you brush your teeth and your gums start to bleed a little bit and then you perform oral sex on an HIV infected person there is an extremely high chance of passing on the virus.


Other std's can also be transmitted orally especially:

    Genital herpes
    Genital warts
    Hepatitis B and C

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Here is my advice,


Wait until it has been a day or two since you have done anything sexual so that both of you are good and ready. Let her make all the advances sexually, don't put any pressure on her to do it or not do it, just watch a movie or eat chocolate drink champagne, are you under 21? Skip the champagne then.


Kiss a long time and tell her how warm and loving she is and how special she makes you feel.


I would recommend using a lubricant on the lower part of your "person" for her to hold on to and for her to just run her tongue around the tip, which I think you can tell her how to do it before you start.


Remember that having this isn't as intense as masterbating, so you may not be able to orgasm just from the oral part, think of it more like an appetizer before the main course.

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any other opinions on the taste.


Is it enjoyable? If not is it really all that bad? What would you compare it to?


Lastly, she gets very nervous when thinking about doing it, anything you can think of that would calm her down and make her more comfortable with the situation?

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If you are really clean before hand I think she'll be ok. I don't really think about the flavor too much, but I have heard that if you take a life saver candy in your mouth, or something like that it will kill the flavor. To me it is just like kissing as long as he is clean.


Is it the flavor of the seamen that she is worried about, let her taste it sometimes without having to put her mouth downstairs. Sometimes she can overcome her fear of this little by little.


Be really positive when ever she tries something new. You realize that women are socialized very differently than men. She probably has all kinds of stories in her head about what that will make her if she likes sex too much. Just trust that she will get used to it on her own time.

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Um, you can definitely get AIDs from oral sex. But in response to the post, she shouldn't worry. How old is she, btw? I was 15 when I did that with my boyfriend for the first time. Just don't push her, let her do it at her own pace. And if she does something thats good, let her know. That will encourage her. And whatever you do, I would suggest that for now you shouldn't try to push her head down on "it". You have to let her go at her own pace. And if you are worried about taste, just take a shower before hand you should be fine. Don't worry about it.

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Do like this weird guy who used to post here.... Put your penis into listerine ! It kills the germs and it gives a good fresh taste to your penis! I'm sure she will like it! euh..... Am I joking? It could be!


Have fun!

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