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hey i have a big probelm here

dont let my name fool u guys out there am not a shy guy i'll go up 1st in presentations and do w/e but when it come with my feelings with some1 and wanna ask em out dats when i get shy


ok pretty much my stories is dat there r 2 girls i now

1 of em i knoe a few yrs and da other i now 4 a like 8 months both of em r best friends and i got mix feelings 4 both of em da 1 i knoe 4 a few yrs she says she likes some guy dats in a higher grd then she is but she doesnt really flirt with him dat much as she does with me she trustes me and everything but when i meet her other friend i got some feelings 4 her as well both i knoe really good da 1 i knoe 4 a few months is really kool nice and sweet she flirts with me and is not as girlish as da other 1 ex doenst really care if she has a cut on her finger the other 1 will sorta trip

i like both of em and my friend says i should go out with da 1 i knoe da longest cuz every1 nows her and they say we look good 2gether and my friends say she likes me too but i cant really decide who 2 ask out cuz i dont wanna lose a good friend and hurt da other person both of em act da same towards me and both r hella good friends help plzz

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Hi shyguy,


Thank you for coming to eNotalone.com with your questions. I understand that it is very hard for you to decide which young lady you like best.


I have a few ideas for you:


1) Why don't you stay friends with both of them. Are you really in a rush to get involved in a relationship with a young lady at all. You're still young, you know. There's always time to take things further.


2) If you are really thinking of getting more involved, I would suggest that you sit down first and find out what you expect out of a relationship and what your needs are. That will help you deciding in which young lady comes closest to your needs.


I hope that this will help you in deciding what you do and I wish you good luck


~ SwingFox ~

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You're in highschool right?


Let me thread you a few pearls of wisdom. Now it might seem a little harsh but this is reality:


unless you've got a car, a job, a perfect face, and a perfect body you are not going to get a girlfriend especially now they all want someone better than what you are right now. Wait until college, or better yet wait until they're premenopausal then you can take your pick.

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