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I got my tongue pierced on dec of 2003 and it should be healed but in the last month my throat has been so itchy and its everyday. NOw the other week I notice my tongue rings color paint was peeled off. And that same week I started getting lumps on the roof of my mouth and that is also really itchy. Now i have a lump on the top of my tongue next to the pircing, but I dont know if that could of got there cause the day before I was trying to take the ring out and by accident I yanked it to hard and almost ripped my tongue out. DO you think I'm getting allergic reactions from the paint on the ring? See it's hard for me to tell cause I'm also allergic to pollen and thats been around my house to for the past month. Can anyone tell me what is it?

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Once the color coating came off, your mouth is reacting like so probably because of the overexposure to nickel. Cheap body jewelry contains more than the recommended limit of nickel, which is why some people permanently stain the tissues around the piercing. Like psipro posted, we can't see what's going on so it's best to consult a doctor. Sorry, not much help! But hope it all went away!

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