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Question for the girls

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Hey girls,

I met this girl at school and I could tell she liked me a lot. Anyway, I was busy at the time so I didn't bother to ask her out, but she still sat next to me everday and we always talked and had a good time. As summer break was coming up I got her number and told her lets keep in touch and she said yea, but it seems like now that I'm trying to call her she's blowing me off (I waited 1 week then called her but I didn't leave a message, I waited 2 more days then called her but didn't leave a message again, and I called her a couple days later leaving a message telling her to call me back but she hasn't called). I don't really know what I did to get this reaction but is it maybe because I've been stringing her along all this time I guess? Its weird because till the very last day we got along just fine like nothing was wrong. Is there anything I can do now or should I scrap it and look for someone else cuz I really do like this girl.

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Well I'm not a girl but I can definitely say that you should of called earlier.


If you got along really well and then didn't call the girl for a week then your playing with the poor girls heart strings. Thats not fair. She probably waited by the phone for the first 3 days until her hope faded.


Call her again one last time and ask her to 'please' call you back as you would 'really like to see her sometime'.


Only advice I can give on this topic really.


Good luck



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If your sure she liked you she'll call you.

Maybe she is just really busy, like with a job, or something, not trying to be mean but she could have met somebody else too

Wait a while until you call her, and try a diifrent time, earlier or later than you usually do. You should wait a while because girls like a challenge, dont act like your already really into her, even if ya are. she doesnt want a puppy she wants a boyfriend, sounds dumb, i know but its true!

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