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my dad sent me retin a to use on some scars i have around my face and neck. i followed all the directions and used it maybe two or three times on my neck, a day apart. i was aware that it should burn but after the second or third time i used it i noticed that it was giving me a rash which spread through my face, greeeat.](*,)

so i stopped using it completely. it's been almost three weeks since i last used it and the rash isn't healed. it itches nonstop and preventing myself from scratching is HARD.


now i've noticed skin discoloration on my neck, i have my scars from before PLUS dark patches of scarring from where i'd put the cream


HOW do i get that to go away????? any natural remedies i might find useful?


there's nothing i can do about the itching, nothing works. but about the scarring, if anyone has any useful advice that'd be wonderful.

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You are experiencing common side effects of Retin-A:


An unusual darkening of the skin or lack of color of the skin may occur temporarily with repeated application of Avita or Retin-A.


The side effects of Retin-A are generally not severe and may include burning, dry skin, itching, peeling, redness, and stinging.


If you have eczema (skin inflammation consisting of itching and small blisters that ooze and crust over) or other chronic skin conditions, use with extreme caution, as they may cause severe irritation.


If you have sensitive skin, the use of Retin-A may cause your skin to become excessively red, puffy, blistered, or crusted. If this happens, notify your doctor, who may recommend that you discontinue the medication until your skin returns to normal, or adjust the medication to a level that you can tolerate.


Unless your symptoms fall into the latter 2 situations, your side effects are temporary. For the itching, try some Aveeno Anti Itch lotion, it seems to work pretty well.


For the scars in general, you might want to switch to using Evening Primrose or Borage oil (topically). I have read case studies that demonstrated their effectiveness. They want be as quick acting as Retin-A might, but they won't have any side effects either.

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It's harsh stuff at first. Your skin has to adjust.


You always want to use just a tiny amount of it. Using too much results in irritation. This is one case where using more doesn't give you better results.


Also, a dermatologist would have you wean yourself onto it. You should use it at night before bed for: every 3rd night, then when irritation minimizes every 2nd night, then every night.


It also helps if you wait a while after washing your face to apply it. If there is still water on your skin it can cause irritation when Retin A is applied. Give it a good 10 minutes before you apply it after you wash your face.

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