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why did i look!!


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i just put my old fone on....and yes all my old saved messages were there from my ex, why did i read them? i was doing so well. I even felt happy this morning, singing and dancing, now i'm crying, i miss him so much i can tell myself as much as i want that i don't love him and that i don't want him back but the truth is i do. I do know that that will never happen but it doesn't stop me wanting it.


sorry just needed to write this here...i miss my boy.

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i know exactly how you feel hun. after 5 months my love for him has not sudsided. all i do is try and get through each day. thats all i can do. No words can comfort you i know. I just try and remember how much love there was in our relationship and thats what so many people out there cant find. *Sighs*

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least i'm not alone, thanx for posting shygirl..i really thought i was getting on better but after reading his messages all the i love yous, well it was hard, it took him a year to finally tell me he loved me, it meant so much when he said it, i'll never hear him say that to me again....

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