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Whats wrong with being lazy all day and masturbating

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So whats wrong with it, why do i have to feel guilt for staying indoors in my bedroom on my computer all day. Masturbating, listening to the radio.....feeling guilt for doing it, and basically just chilling out. Eating some junk food too.


Why am i embarassed or feel a compulsion of thought to see these things as wrong , or not the right path.....If i am just doing it, cause i am just doing..then thats my natural choice today, and my mind and body wants to be lazy and lie around all day.


I think therefore i am....ok with chillin in my room on my computer all day....i have to work tonight anyway.


Okay maybe one complaint....someone by my side to take part in this with me...would be great.

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yeah as long as you're not in trouble at work, or trouble with relationships then this shouldnt be a problem. People have different ways of spending their days off, at least yours isn't shopping and spending too much!


If you feel bad, then maybe going for a walk and listing to music on the go for even just an hour to get fresh air and excersize.

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