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Back together with EX - and I am not good at it

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We were together 3 years, talked of marriage. He dumped me for an exotic girly which lasted a few months. AWFUL! We started talking after a workplace crisis gave us the opportunity. And listen, we're both over 50!!


Six months later: Now we go on a date about once a week or so, and I enjoy his company. He's said I love you several times. Spent the night a couple of times. He's casual, sometimes blows me off - like tonight.


But I don't know if I can just drift along with this. I have seen some other people in online dating, but I find they have lots of issues and aren't so interested anyway. Maybe it's the age we are?


I am baffled. Any general rules for having a workable relationship with an EX...thanks. Still hopeful, but a little weary now. And gettin' lonely.

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