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I dont know what to talk about....

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well if you havent known each other that long then you could play a game of 21 questions, all you basically do is ask random questions to help you find out stuff about each other that you wanna know. that way you can find out what you have in common and next time the conversattion will flow easier. it worked for me


hope it works for you


~LJ =;

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You can always combat not having anything to say with just going out and doing something. Get him to go out to Wet N Wild or some place around you like that. You both will have fun and when you have fun with someone your relationship streangthens, which always somehow enables two people to be able to talk to eachother easier. Hell, I'm going to Wet N Wild this weakend with a girl I've not for a short time, and I just recently went with her and her family to another theme park. Theme parks will make you all have fun together. Theme Parks Theme Parks Theme Parks Theme Parks

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I'm presuming you haven't been with this guy very long so I wouldn't worry too much. Me and my g/f are really close, and sometimes we just sit and say absolutely nothing cause there is simply nothing to say. If we both have uneventful days, then really, what is there to say. When we were first going out, we didn't know much about each other so we had the same problem in a big way, but as we became more and more a part of each others lives, we had more and more to talk about.


What it comes down to is, if you enjoy each others company, don't worry about feeling awkward or whatever, things happen with time, I knwo everyone says that all the time, but just wait and you'll see what I mean

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hi, in my experience, if you two are really compatible, the conversation usually just flows naturally, shy or not. but maybe asking about pet peeves, hobbies, favorite sport team, favorite movie, favorite song etc...will get the conversation started? usually when i meet a guy that i'm really attracted to i cannot for the life of me think of ANYTHING to say because i'm always worried about how it's coming out, if i have anything caught in my teeth, how my hair looks... but like i said, and my friends agree with me, that it should just come naturally, you shouldn't have to work at it. best of luck...

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