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My bi polar bestfriend...

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Hi well ive known this girl for almost over a year now...we have had our fights..liturally we got in a slap box fight . But for some reason we always ended up makeing up and it just seems to bring the relationship closer..but there is always those days that she skips her pill or highers her amont of pills or something n she turns into a total mean chick! like roooor!hiss Scratch lol..but yea


she went out with my bro n they broke up n it all got real messy..like she lied and said she got an std from my bro and then it ended up being something less like it was an infesction but not serious one.. we took my bro to the docs..And so my bro doesnt allow her over my house unless hes not there..he hates her n she still always wonders about him...


neways just recently she started being over barring like she acts like im her girlfriend or boyfriend or something..she told me that she doesnt want to be hurt so she wants to end our friendship because i smoked at my girls house..but i mean i am tryin to quit..ppl get tempted ya know?


Neways her fam is like my 2nd fam they are so supportive and always have me over for dinner i always was over there n it felt weird being there when my bestfriend could only be at my house when no one was there ya know?? it kind of put a dent on our relationship..but yea neways


can neone gimie sugestions..shoul di try fixing this or go on with this n get a new bestfriend

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Interesting. My best friend is on pills at the moment, and I really can't stand being around him at the moment. I do however hang around with him, but only in the knowledge that this phase will pass and he will revert back to "normal" at some stage in the near future.


Your friend sounds similar. My friend has bi-polar, and the biggest problem is that I don't really like the other person he becomes. I've no interest in it whatsoever, other than I know that he is still the best friend that I love and respect.


You need to decide whether you are willing to put up with her or not. You certainly can't be afraid of her, but if she is trying to rule your life, and mother you, then perhaps you need a break from her.


The only person that really knows what to do here is you, since you know a lot lot more about the situation than I do here. My advice is to figure out whether there is a future in this relationship or not. If there is, then perhaps you should consider working on this and helping the situation. Otherwise, perhaps distance yourself from her. If you are true friends, then you will end up back in contact again, and if it's not meant to be, then you could drift apart.


Bottom line, you are the one that has to make a lot of effort here, and you need to decide what it is that YOU want.


Hope this helps you some,

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