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Ok so i may be going on a date with a guy soon, we have been talking on a decent online dating site and he only lives up the road, but when we do go on dates is it ok to hug or hold hands in the street/park etc i ask this because i just came out the closet and am very new. Or with gay people are we constantly going to have to hide our emotions from strangers and wait till we get indoors to make out.


P.s. its the best thing in the world to come out the closet HOORAY!! wonder what my parents will make of him.

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I think like with any couple it depends on each person's comfort level with PDA. It could also depend on where you live (for example in NYC people might not bat an eye at a same-sex couple holding hands or kissing while somewhere else it might be so uncommon in public that you might find people doing double-takes....but even then, who cares?)

Congratulations on feeling so free and living your heart's desire!! Have fun on your date!

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I live in the UK so not sure what people think. Changing the subject altogether its amazing how many people i think are gay in the street, i was in mcdonalds and i was sitting by the window next to the drive thru que and this car pulls up right next to me next to the window and there was a guy in the back think he must have been 18/19 he looked at me with his head rested on his hand in the gayest way ever for ages i looked at him and he was still stairing he must have been gay?

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