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i had to post!!


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Yes really, don't call him..what's the point? Slather more pain on top of pain? Posting here means you at least care a bit about yourself and your healing. Keep at it, these days/moments come and then they go away. NC was the biggest form of discipline I ever followed, harder than being on a diet.

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Do NOT contact this person.


hes a stubborn pig, even if he wanted to, he never would...hes probably out with some tramp he picked up off the interent anyway...i know him sooooooo well.


This unfortunate episode in your life is over. What on earth is there to love in this man? Maybe it would help to get out a sheet of paper and pen, two columns, and list all his "lovable" traits on one side, and... the abusive traits on the other.


Meantime, have a look at this:


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It is "The Mystery of Loving an Abuser". The other articles are also well worth reading.



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IMO Loulou it is important that you realise what has happened, so that you can create proper boundaries for the future and live a healthy life.


Many women assume that if they're not being physically abused by their partner, then they're not being abused. That's not necessarily true. You may be in a relationship which is draining something from you -- you might not have recognized that your partner has eroded your self-esteem and happiness.


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i feel so bad cause i he thinks i lied and cheated....it wasnt true...i feel hurt that hes there thinking im a liar n cheater. its eating me up inside.


this is what i posted in the...what i would say to my ex thread...


i never cheated on you, i had the plentyoffish acc way back when we split up, you said i joined it in dec 18, but that wasnt true, it was in october when you dumped me and i returned home....you read it all soo you must know, there was nothing in there!! i told everyone that contacted me that i wasnt looking for anything, id just split with my boyf.. also the facebook, nearly all the guys that were added on there were from when i joined back in june last year, yea i added a few more as i went along, but i was never cheating, i tell you that i never ever even spoke to them on fb, i only went on to talk to my friends....you had tagged the whole first year of our relationship, and i told you all the time it made me feel insecure, but basically you told me to deal with it. it hurt me. well you got what you wanted, i hope your happy....i loved you truly, madly, deeply, youve destoyed me n ill never be the same again...you were my world....goodbye M.x.

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If he was accusing you of lying or cheating, then what he was doing (and this is the stock-in-trade of the abuser/controller) is called projection. Projecting on to you.

It is typical abuser behaviour. Try to understand this.

Please read the link I sent you.


No, he has not destroyed you. Do not give him that power. You are in charge of yourself, and somehow you will have to face this adversity and come out the other side stronger for the experience.



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