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Self-concious about down..there

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I feel like such a nerd, but hey oh well. I have did stuff with guys in the past...so I don't know why I'm posting about this now. I like my body, but I'm self-conscious about "down there." I don't know why but I am. I've gave head and got fingered. But I have always been self-conscious about down there. The guy I'm with now reassures me it's okay and I'm not different in any way. *lol* but still.....



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Your only 14 you have time to grow into yourself and get used to yourself... I'm not a girl so cant help you without knowing what your self-conscious about.


As a rule of thumb, if your uncomfortable about something sexual, the answer is always NO, so in this case I'd advise you to stop being sexual active until you are comfortable.

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I never knew there would actually be someone out there that is just as self-conscious like. My best friend keeps telling me to let my boyfriend eat me out because its the best thing but I keep telling her that I am just really self-conscious about it. Anybody have advice on how to just get over it? I'm self-conscious about smell and taste and all that stuff.

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i know exactly how you feel!! The whole time ur worried about what he's thinking about you and just totally nervous about the whole thing!! i dont really know what to tell you to help you not be so self-conscience. I was always really worried about it too...but my boyfriend always made me feel really confortable about everything and now i dont even think about it!!


I kno ur think ur totally ok w/ having ur b/f finger u or eat u out or w/e, and you might be, but maybe its kind of a subconcience thing and ur really not ready?!...idk...just trying to help!!


I guess just try not to worry about it!!

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I always thought that was really uncommon and that i was the only one who was like that, but, its really very common for girls (as youve noticed) to be like that. But the thing is...theres nothing to worry about ~smiles~ I know, its hard to fathom, and as you grow up, and you develop, you may stay self-consious, but it may just get easier to forget. (I know it is for me) For me, i think about my self consciousness before hand, but...it all dissapates when things start happening.

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Well I got to see my boyfriend the other day and I he knew I was kinda self-conscious about down there. I'm totally comfortable around him and we started messing around. To make a long story short, we were both in the mood and he went down on me, first time ever (for me)..and really it wasn't that bad. I didn't worry about it, because *he* wanted to, we were in the mood and you didn't think about it that much. So, now I'm pretty comfortable with it.



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Im glad you worked it all out, the number one thing i can really tell you is only do something if your comfortable with it. That always makes it better... (best advice to give yourself and others)


Once again, im glad things are good with you and your boyfriend, may you have a happy relationship. Oh, and about that friend that was telling you to do stuff with your guy, I wouldnt let her pressure you into doing things you arent allright with, it makes for undue stress in a relationship.

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my best advice to anyone that is uncomfortable about "down there" is just to keep it clean & eat regularly. when you eat a lot of junk food or greasy food or salty food or even if you are sick can affect how you smell & taste. if you're clean, most guys really like the smell of it, it's like a natural aphrodesiac. so, if you think you might be gettin a little action, it's best just to shower & be prepared

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