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back in NC will it last?

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My ex and I broke up 3 months ago. we were together for 6 years.


2 weeks after our break we have a fight and he said he never wants to see me again.

NC lasts on moth our sides for 7 weeks.

He break NC with an email saying sorry. I reply thanks for the email.

Now we are back in NC for just over a week.


What will happen next? Will he break NC again?

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my ex said the other day that he wants nothing to do with me, that really hurt me, id love it if he would apologise to me, it would make it easier for me to get through this.... the words go through my head over and over, i felt what he said was cruel.

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He will contact you, if you leave it for a while then if he still likes you he will contact you trust me. When you replied to his email did you put anything that he could reply to, cause that email he sent you could of been a reach out to be close to you again and if you replied with nothing special then that could of made him think "why should I bother".

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