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Does he like her?

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OK, my sis and me both like the same guy. I think he likes her because they always hang out together and they can just sit there and talk. But, my sis thinks that he soent like any one. I want him to like me but I also want him to just be happy. So, my question is how can you tell if he likes any one like me or my sis? Thankx in advance


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well you never gave us much information to go on! How does he act around you? Does he talk naturally with you, like he does with your sis? Have you tried talking with him as much as she does? But I'd beware this type of situation, you could end up hurting your sister's feelings if she really likes him as well..you know, this same thing always happens in movies/TV shows and such, where one tries to date the guy, then the sister gets all pissed off, and they get in a big fight, the patch things up & decide the guy's not worth it in the end because their friendship means more or whatever..but this isn't the movies, so it's up to you..talk with your sister and see how'd she feel if you guys go ok, maybe she's ok with it if she doesn't like him as much or likes someone else too..





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Well, I dont talk to him as much as my sister because he only talks to me about my sister. Also, i cant talk to my sister because she isnt talkin to me. She thinks that I should just die so I wont be around to listen in on her phone conversations and stick my nose into her business. I think I should die too but I just dont know. I dont know why I am here. I mean I have no friends, my sister wont talk to me, she is mad at me, i am fighting over a guy with my sis, and i been tryin to cut myself because i have no one to talk to anymore because my sis wont listen anymore and no one else in my family will either. So, I dont know. I know I just got WAY off topic but I just had to get that off of my chest. So, can some one PLEASE answer me and tell me what I should do I am SOOOOOOOOO confused right now!!


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woah! ok..well that's good you got that off your chest, don't worry 'bout it. First of all, I don't think you should be so caught up in this guy, you're still young & there's lots of other guys around yet, trust me. If he only talks to you about your sister, he might like your sister more, but it doesn't mean the world will end. Maybe he just doesn't know you well enough as well because you haven't showed him your personality & just tell him about your sis. I would also suggest to give your sister privacy (not listen in on her phone calls) because you wouldn't like it if she did that with you, right? Although telling you to die is mean..and no, you shouldn't, of course, you seem like a very thoughtful & honest person, I think you're just stressing about this too much.


I don't know what to advise about your family, but maybe talk to your guidance counsellor about the cutting & he/she can help you out, that is not good. Or talk to a friend, your parents, they probably care more than you think. I think you're probably just feeling really down & don't realize how great of a person you are..do something fun, whatever you like to do, go see a movie & just forget about him, there's plenty of other guys. I know that sounds hard to do, but ultimately it's not worth getting in a fight & causing all this stress on yourself.


good luck, if you need to write, feel free, although I'm not sure I can help! I hope that helped somewhat..





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How old is your sister / this boy?


Just because he talks to your sister more doesn't mean he likes her more. Men have a tendency to not talk to people they have crushes on because its hard and can be scary.


Even if he dose like you, I'd be careful because at the age of 13 a relationship with him may cause tension in your family that a 13 year old should not be dealing with, if your dating at that age it should only be fun and as soon as its stops being fun it should be ended.

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