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Is she interested?

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I have a group date tonight with a girl I've liked for years. I'm 23 (so is she). It has been a while since we have been around each other, and I'm not sure if she is going because we haven't seen each other for a long time or if she might be interested in more. Can any of you girls tell me what signs to look for to see if she is interested in me?

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So Instead of looking signs fro her.. Initiate a conversation yourself… ask questions about her… and show that you 're interested…don't persist and don't spend the whole time around her…… also… look at her once in a while during the night with a small… girl like smooth guys a lot more than the ones that you know and feel they just want get into your pants….lol…. See how she is…if she's interested…she will ask questions back and she will try to keep the conversation going…also when u talk to her look at small signs that could show she 's nervous or flirting signs…like if she plays w her hair while talking, or move her legs…or play with something or just smile and look at you in the eyes… I can't think of anything more…good luck and have fun

Ps : if u see she's interested and spend the night chatting and all…ask her if she wants to get together sometime (at the end of the night and if yes give her your number and see if she will give hers too…….or simply ask for it also show that you're a social guy and a happy person!

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We already swapped numbers through e-mail earlier this week. Then she invited me over to her house and we spent some time catching up day before yesterday. She actually brought up going out tonight with another friend of ours so I'm assuming that since she is pretty much initiating all the first steps that she is interested. I'm just one of those guys that need a direct sign or else I'll keep wondering! And until I get that sign I feel like I'm walking on eggshells with her and don't want to do anything to mess it up. I know I probably need to just kick back and take it as it comes in stride, but its hard sometimes!

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