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Slowly falling in love with someone I can't be with

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There's this really nice and sweet guy at work that at first I didn't like, in a romantic sense, now after sometime I find myself falling for him each and everyday. He makes me laugh and shows me things about life I never noticed before. It's so frustrating, from time to time, we'll talk and I just want to lean in and kiss him because I get this sense that he wants to too. He told a co-worker how perfect he thought I am and how he would like to start seeing me but he didn't know if it would make things weird. I wouldn't normally date someone from work but I would hate to see an opportunity like this pass me by, he really makes me happy. Not to long ago my boyfriend of 8 years left me for my "supposedly" best friend, and it really go to me and I didn't think I would feel this way again, and when I first met him I didn't feel this way, now I can't help myself. Sorry if I'm rambling on, PLEASE HELP!!!

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Are you attracted to him physically, at first you weren't too sure.


I think that you could ask him out your self some time to coffee or lunch, just to see how things go away from work.


Be honest with the way that you are feeling. Don't allow a short romance to hurt your career opportunities.


If you later find out that you aren't interested in him romantically, how will you feel then?

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If you are both single then I can't see any reason why you shouldn't allow yourself to go with your feelings. He has told others he thinks you're perfect, perhaps knowing or hoping that it will get back to you. After your last experience with guys(8years wow!)you are realistic to be cautious but don't allow a good opportunity to pass by because you really don't know what may happen, he could be something really special and if you don't grab this chance you may regret it later.Take things easy, don't rush but do go for it, you deserve to be happy.

Good Luck.

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