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This girl never has time to talk.

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I known this girl for while and I got her number, but every time I call she doesn't answer. I know her from class we talked almost everyday before class. So the last day of class I asked her if I could get her number she gave it to me. But when I she says she can't talk, or won't answer. I gave her my number but she doesn't return my calls. I not sure if she just doesn't what to talk to me or is busy. And I not sure I should keep calling her.

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I don't know what else to tell you except, if she hasn't returned your calls or she has been busy when you called. And she has your number then give her space. In 3 weeks give her a call again and if she is still to busy for you, then try to forget her.




Otherwise it can make you out to look, desperate, or like your obsessed or harrasing. Especially if she hasn't displayed any interest.



If in three weeks you manage to talk to her on the phone, be bold and ask her if your wasting your time, and if she would like it if you lost her number and stopped calling

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This seems to happen alot. Id just not call her for awhile. It could be that she doesn't like to talk on the phone, alot of people don't. So just let up for a while, then maybe in a week or so, call her up, and maybe make plans to go to lunch or something. If she says no, then you will know that she isn't interested. If she says yes, then it's probably that she just doesn't like to talk on the phone.


Good Luck.

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