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For those that studied creative writing

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It's a constant struggle with self-confidence. Some days I feel like I can make it happen. Other days, I feel like saying, "screw it...who cares...you're not good enough, anyways."


Oh I understand - I can relate to those feelings - one thing that has helped me a lot is being a new parent - there's no time to indulge in confidence issues because you have to be present all the time and constantly making decisions in a confident way - trial by fire pretty often. Maybe if you take the plunge and try to "give birth" to a short story, novel, whatever and have other people doing the same or you're being graded that might give you the jump start and help you avoid the pity party mentality?

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Oh I understand - I can relate to those feelings - one thing that has helped me a lot is being a new parent - there's no time to indulge in confidence issues because you have to be present all the time and constantly making decisions in a confident way - trial by fire pretty often. Maybe if you take the plunge and try to "give birth" to a short story, novel, whatever and have other people doing the same or you're being graded that might give you the jump start and help you avoid the pity party mentality?


Maybe so. I can't imagine the fear I'd feel in being a parent. Thankfully no one wants to sleep with me right now.


I never cared for sports movies when I was younger. These days I find that some of them speak to me (like Any Given Sunday). They're like an illustration of the looming choices of action vs no action: "Take the plunge," like you said, or don't take the plunge. Do it and make it happen or forever sit on the sidelines.


I guess I'm on the bench right now and trying to decide if it's worth getting in the game. I don't think I have the heart of Rudy... and if I'm "five foot nuthin', a hundred and nuthin', with hardly one spec of [writing] ability," then maybe it's a waste of time. Damn these pity parties.

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I guess I'm on the bench right now and trying to decide if it's worth getting in the game. I don't think I have the heart of Rudy... and if I'm "five foot nuthin', a hundred and nuthin', with hardly one spec of [writing] ability," then maybe it's a waste of time. Damn these pity parties.


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A 50,000 word novel in 30 days. You won't have time to be scared. This is a great way to just get yourself writing. It's technically in November, but you can do it any month. The forums are pretty slow during non-November months, but they are a huge support during November. Seriously, do it. I did it for three years... and then took two breaks because of school. I'm planning on doing it again this year. It's a great experience.

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A 50,000 word novel in 30 days. You won't have time to be scared. This is a great way to just get yourself writing. It's technically in November, but you can do it any month. The forums are pretty slow during non-November months, but they are a huge support during November. Seriously, do it. I did it for three years... and then took two breaks because of school. I'm planning on doing it again this year. It's a great experience.


Thanks for that. That looks like a really awesome experience. I guarantee I'll try it at least once.

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