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My boyfrend and i were going out for 2 months and then we broke up because he changed schools. well he said that when we turn 16 we will be back together and someday get married. I miss him so much, i dont love him as much as my family because they always come first. he holds a special place in my heart and always will. i dont want to go out with anyone because i feel like i will betray him . . . he still calls and says he loves me and i find myself crying alot over him. i asked my mom and she said that she knows how i feel and that there is no way to actually completely heal a broken heart, i want him back now though and it hurts.

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Hi there,


Even though it hurts, you have to keep on going with your life. There will come a time where you can remember what happened w/o it hindering your progress in life. Keep going til you get there, and when you do, take that experience with you and carry on.


Just a note.. you're still very young and lots can happen to you and to your bf, and there will be a lot of changes in your thinking as you get older. Even when you're an adult, there will be changes in life, too. So don't let this be the deciding factor on your future plans. It will all come together the way it will.


Best wishes.

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