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Looking for the right thing

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How do u know when a guy has lost intrest in you...I know that my bf has not but when I dont hear from him or stuff I start to think that he does not want to be with me...when i tell him to come down and see me he makes all these jokes how he hates my city once he did that he knew i got mad then he said he was just kiddin on day he says i love u and the next he does not say anything........i need answers help plez what should i look for



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You can tell if he has lost interest in you fairly easily. If you notice he doesnt spend that much time with you anymore. If he doesnt talk much and only gives short little answeres to your questions. Or if he avoids seeing you. It sounds like he might be a little upset with you for some reason, did you two have a fight recently?

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What if he mentions his x gf when we have fights how she wants him back and everything...he did that a couple of times then i final told his brother so now when we fight he does not mention her???what could that mean as well.....



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