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I noticed about 3 or 2 years ago that I have small bumps at the bottom of my penis, they take about half of the bottom of my penis, which is 1/4 of my entire penis, I don't know what I have. I don't know what the symptoms are, but I made a few research, and it may be herpes or warts, basictly...here are my syptoms:


small bumps at bottom of my penis.


when I move my skin of my penis back, the area where I pee from is slightly infladed, altho I do not experience any burning(is it normal?).


I get about 3-5 sores on my lip a year(I don't know if its normal either).


thats about it, I don't know how I got them since I never had sex, or I never do any drugs, basictly I don't do needles.

I hope anyone can help out.

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I can't really tell what is this...

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but looks similiar to the bumps, and the bumps have been there for like 2 years, and they don't come and go, the just stay there.


Also its not in the inside where I have the bumps, its in the outter skin..

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Cold sores are a strain of the herpes virus.


As for the bumps on your penis, I'm not sure.


ItsyBitsyMel: Its possible to be born with an STD so just because he hasn't had sex doesn't mean he doesn't have one... that's why you always use a condom!

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so your saying that Cold sores are ONLY cause by herpes?


because I herd that is just normal, or does herpes makes more cold sores?



The sores on my lip are not out of control...I have about 5 in a year, and they go away within 12 hours. They expand too, they don't come all at once.

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